Thursday, October 26, 2017, at 7 p.m.
The Maritime Labour Centre*
1880 Triumph St, Vancouver
- Audited Financial Statements for 2016/2017 and selection of auditor
- Reading of new members
- Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes – September 24, 2017
- Business arising out of the minutes
- New Business:
Notices of Motions:
(See Reverse for the full motion)
- Nominations and elections
Runoff election for 6 and 7th place alternate delegate position for
Rodrick Prasad and Parmjit Singh
Bylaws committee (1)
L/C Route Evaluation Committee (minimum 1)
MSC Route Evaluation Committee (minimum 2)
Publications Committee (3) - Finance Report
- Executive Committee motions
- Unfinished business
- Correspondence
- Executive and Committee Reports
- Good and Welfare
- Adjournment
In Solidarity,
Heather Andrews
* Please note that the Maritime Labour Centre has free parking in the rear of the building off of Pandora St.
Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.
Motion presented:
Because, the Vancouver Local has the assistance of the local trustee committee and also employs the assistance of a book keeper and a chartered accounting firm, and,
Because, the advancements in technology utilized by the Vancouver Local such as, but not limited to, direct deposit, electronic record keeping, and electronic correspondence has resulted in a workload reduction and significant time savings for the Local, and,
Because, the Pacific Processing Centre (PPC) represents nearly one half of the membership of the Vancouver Local, including workers in Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4,
Because the garage at Glen Drive represents our only other workers in group 3 and
Because, the issues arising from the PPC and Glen Drive have been rapidly increasing since the implementation of Postal Transformation, and,
Because, the issues arising from the PPC and Glen Drive are unique and specific to those work environments, and,
Because, two part time officer positions would offer significant financial savings to the Vancouver Local rather that the current one full time officer position,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED The Local position of Secretary-Treasurer be reduced from a full-time officer and voting member of the local executive committee to a part-time officer and voting member of the local executive committee, and,
6.4 of the Vancouver Local Bylaws shall be amended in the following way:
6.4 A: Be an elected part-time officer and voting member of the Executive Committee, working for the Local as required and working in their substantive position with the Corporation for at least ten (10) days per calendar month,
6.4 C: Be responsible to sufficiently train the Organization Director/Tyler to enable this officer to act as a designated replacement or to assist the Secretary-Treasurer as required, and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Local Organization Director/Tyler shall provide assistance to the local secretary-treasurer as required, and,
6.8 of the Vancouver Local bylaws shall be amended in the following way:
6.8 I: Shall assist the Local Secretary-Treasurer as required, and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Local will create the position of a third vice-president who shall be a part time officer and voting member of the Local Executive Committee, and,
The Local bylaws shall be amended to include the following language:
The Third Vice-President:
Shall be an elected part-time officer and voting member of the local Executive Committee, working for the Local as required and working in her/his substantive position with the Corporation for at least ten (10) days per calendar month,
Shall be responsible for monitoring the staffing at the PPC and Glen Drive for workers in Group 1, 3, and 4,
Shall be responsible to attend and represent the Local at consultations concerning the PPC and Glen Drive,
Shall work with, and assist the local Full Time Officers in the performance of their duties as required,
Shall work with, and assist the shop stewards at the PPC and Glen Drive as required,
Shall be a member of the Local Health and Safety Committee,
Shall report to the local executive committee, and,
6.0 of the Vancouver Local Bylaws shall be amended in the following way to reflect the creation of the position of Third Vice-President:
6.0: The Line of authority of the Local’s Table Officers shall be:
President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Grievance Officer, Education Director, Health and Safety Director, Organizing Director/Tyler, Recording Secretary/Bylaws Chair,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these part time officers be included in the annual local elections, and,
9.0 and 9.1 of the Vancouver Local bylaws shall be amended to include the part-time officers, and,
9.1B of the Vancouver Local bylaws shall be amended in the following way:
9.1B: The election of the secretary-treasurer, the first vice-president and the third vice-president shall take place in even numbered years, and shall be by secret ballot of the membership, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that these changes shall take effect upon the upcoming annual election for 2018.