Postal Transformation (PT #13):ACCOMMODATION IN THE PPC

(PT #13) Accommodation in the PPC

Many accommodated members are concerned about how they will be placed into an accommodation in the new Processing Plant. Currently the Union is working on putting together a bid for the new plant. We have managed to come to an agreement for the P04s and members will be bidding for the assignments by seniority.

The question many accommodated members are asking is, “Where do I fit in?”

Accommodated members will bid by seniority the same as regular members. What the difference will be is if the member obtains an assignment that is outside their limitation, what will happen next?

After each wave of bidding, the Union and Management will sit down to review the accommodation issues and whether members can do the job they bid on. If the member could not bid into an assignment meeting their limitations, then we will have to consult to come up with an accommodation. This could be modifying the assignment the member bid on, or moving the member to a suitable assignment.

It is important that if members have a change in their limitations, they should get updated medical information from their doctor as soon as possible to let the Corporation know what their current limitations are.

It is also important to remember several issues when you are bidding for your assignments and will need accommodation:

  • Firstly, look at the job requirements and the physical demands of the job – these will be listed on the posters at the job fair and will be available for members to look at.
  • Secondly, there will be a Union Representative assigned for the members to talk to about the positions and the physical requirements that the work entails, during the bidding.
  • Finally, after each wave has completed the bidding, the Union and CPC will sit down and consult over the members that failed to self accommodate during that bid.

All members should be accommodated at the end of this process. If you have any questions, please contact your Shop Steward or the Union Hall.

In Solidarity,

Pat Bertrand

1st Vice President
