The Vancouver Local is having a Women’s Committee meeting on Thursday, June 17 , 2021 @ 5 pm via Zoom. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 5pm.     You must register in advance for this meeting

If you are interested in participating on this committee, please read the information below, taken from our Vancouver Local By-laws, in regards to the committee’s mandate:

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June General Membership Meeting

Thursday June 24 at 7pm
Zoom Video/Phone Conference

You must register in advance for this meeting. Registration Deadline: Wednesday June 23rd @ 7 pm.

*Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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*REMINDER* Personal Day Carry Over

Personal Day Carry Over

June 1 ,2021

Under Article 20 of the Urban Collective agreement and Article 36 of the RSMC Collective agreement, you can carry over up to five {5} personal days to a maximum total allotment of 12 days, but this does not happen automatically.
You can do this with the employee self-serve tool at under the “Employee Self Serve” tab, the “Time Management” heading, and the “Personal Days Carry-Over Tool” which will be available from July 1, 2021 until July 14, 2021.

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Every Child Matters to CUPW

As the Canadian colonial project continues to unfold, horrors like the mass grave at the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation continue to emerge. But to uncover and face the truth is part of the way forward, and we hear and join the call from many Indigenous leaders to find and document the gravesites of the many more children who were stolen from their families, denied their language, denied health supports and respect, abused and then buried without dignity, all by our colonial system. All children deserve love and respect, as do all survivors of the residential school system. #everychildmatters
CUPW sends condolences and stands with the bereaved families and communities, and all those who are still dealing with the system’s violence and its effects. Genocide is Canada’s shame that we have a duty to confront. Untold pain and loss remains to be addressed, and terrible injustices continue. Not enough has been done to pursue better relations between nations and to support healing of the long-term and intergenerational traumas.
We ask our members, and everyone, to read and implement the TRC recommendations  and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and its resources for the survivors and their families, and support the call to uncover and address the effects of the genocide at the foundations of Canada.
/ bk cope 225

* ALERT* Basic Shop Steward Course

June 24,25,26

8 A.M. – 4 P.M. (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

**This course is offered for a second time and is completely separate from the June 10, 11,12 course****

Days & duration of the course are subject to change and are dependent on the availability of the online course material and interest

Held via online through ZOOM

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June    10,11,12

8 A.M. – 4 P.M. (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

Days & duration subject to change pending the availability of online course material

Held via online through ZOOM

This 3-day course is for Vancouver Local Members who are either interested in becoming Shop Stewards or want to learn more about their rights under the Collective Agreement. You do not have to become a Shop Steward to take this course, but you must have taken a Basic Shop Steward Course to be eligible to run as a Shop Steward in the Vancouver Local. (As per Vancouver Local Bylaws)

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