Do you know what a Social Steward does?

May 20, 2021

As we continue to hear about all the amazing work being done by CUPW members to ensure that the postal service continues. However, this pandemic has been affecting our social life, as well as our physical, psychological and even economic well-being.

As frontline workers, we have a responsibility to take care of each other at work and at home.

The current crisis can be a source of stress, even anxiety for many people, including postal workers.  The role of our Social Stewards is more important now more than ever and Social Stewards continue to play a crucial role in helping CUPW members get the assistance they need. CUPW has supported the use Social Stewards for a number of years.  Where Canada Post’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) doesn’t meet your needs, our Social Stewards can lend a helping hand.

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Amended May General Membership Meeting

Saturday May 22 at 10am
Zoom Video/Phone Conference

You must register in advance for this meeting. Registration Deadline: Friday May 21 @10am

*Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting.
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Human Rights Committee Meeting

Friday, May 21 at 5pm
Zoom Video/Phone Conference

The Vancouver Local is having a Human Rights Committee Meeting. You must register in advance for this meeting. Registration deadline: Thursday, May 20 @ 5pm

If you are interested in participating on this committee, please read the information below, taken from our Vancouver Local by-laws, in regards to the committee’s mandate:

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MAY General Membership Meeting

May 6th,2021

Saturday May 22 at 10am
Zoom Video/Phone Conference

You must register in advance for this meeting. Registration Deadline: Friday May 21 @10am

*Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting.

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April 30,2021

As we are all aware the COVID-19 cases have reached an alarming level in British Columbia. Workers at PPC are doing their best to combat COVID-19 by following physical distancing guidelines, taking different break times, doing self-assessments before coming to work, wearing proper personal protective equipment and having volunteer cleaners for high touch surfaces, just to name a few. Despite these efforts, cases inside the plant are on the rise. At the Pacific Processing Plant, we have had over 16 (sixteen) cases in the past 4 (four) weeks.

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