Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions set out by the Provincial Health Authority on public gatherings during COVID-19 pandemic, the Vancouver local will be conducting the 2021 annual election at the Union Hall at 111 Victoria Drive in Vancouver.

With no end in sight in easing these restrictions on gatherings and social distancing we need to look at an alternate solution to conduct the 2021 elections. Due to these restrictions we are unable to use any Canada Post facility or retain rental properties to safely carry out our election.

Therefore, elections will take place at the Union hall at 111 Victoria Drive, Vancouver. As access to the building is restricted, we will hold our election in the lobby of the Maritime Labour Centre. The parking lot entrance is just west of Victoria Drive on Pandora Street.

There is one (1) position on the Executive Committee that will require a secret ballot election:

Chief Shop Steward

PPC Internal #1 Shift/Wickets/Group 1

The balloting schedule for this positios  will be as follows as, set forth by the balloting committee in accordance with Article 9.6 of the Vancouver Local Bylaws.

Friday, March 19, 2021                      8:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday, March 21, 2021                    8:00am – 4:00pm

Wednesday, March 24, 2021              8:00am – 4:00pm

Friday, March 26, 2021                      8:00am – 12:00pm


Please ensure you bring your CPC ID with you. There will be more information to follow. We wish all of the candidate’s good luck.

“Due to the inability to conduct our elections at each individual installation, all shop stewards who are running for positions will be appointed until the 2022 election, at which point they will need to officially run again. All shop stewards who ran in this election meet the criteria for eligibility, as per Article 9.4 of the Vancouver Local Bylaws”.

In Solidarity,

Vancouver Local Balloting Committee


To Present Resolutions for Wage and Contract Negotiations

You must register in advance for this meeting. Registration Deadline Wednesday March 3 @5:30pm 


*Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

On February 25, our General Membership Meeting, unfortunately, adjourned early and this did not allow us to finish conducting the business of the Local.

There were a number of resolutions that we’re going to be presented at that meeting and we would have liked to have been able to continue debating and vote on these resolutions.

As per Article 5.06, the National Director’s Office must receive all resolutions by 5:00 p.m. on March 5, 2021, in order to be considered at the Wage & Contract Regional Conference. Late resolutions will not be accepted.

All resolutions must be adopted by a majority vote at a Local Membership Meeting. Each resolution must be on a separate sheet of paper and should identify the specific article number. Each resolution must bear the signatures of the Local President and the Local Secretary-Treasurer indicating the resolution was duly ratified by the membership and the date of the membership meeting. Each resolution must be debated and voted on separately.

10.2 A (1) of the By-Laws allows for Special Meeting to be called on the initiative of the President. Whenever possible, bulletins shall be posted ten (10) days prior to a Special Meeting.

The reading of these resolutions will be the sole item on the agenda.

Please support CUPW’s democratic process and attend this meeting.

In Solidarity,

Chris Zukowsky, President

CUPW Member Survey

Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

We’re conducting an important member survey on the future of Canada Post and we need your help.

The survey will take approximately 12 minutes of your time and participation is anonymous.

Click here to take the survey.

Your responses will help shape how we campaign for a stronger and greener Canada Post.

IMPORTANT: The survey closes March 4, 2021.

2021 Annual Elections: Nominations are now closed

Nominations have now closed for the following positions on the Local Executive Committee:


Table Officers

PPC Internal #1 shift/Wickets/Group 1 Chief Shop Steward

Zenaida Garcia

Zoe McGowan

Nominated and Acclaimed
Full Time Officers


Anju Parmar

2nd Vice President

Nicholas Aubichon

Grievance Officer

Chris Zukowsky

Table Officers

Education Director
Sritharan Vimalendiran

Organizational Director and Tyler
Kevin Biggs

Recording Secretary/By Laws Chair
Jamie McCurrach

Chief Shop Stewards
Chief Shop Steward G.L. & T./Glen Drive
Raj Deo

The schedule for the 2021 annual election will be presented in a future bulletin. Congratulations to those acclaimed to a position and good luck to those nominated.

In Solidarity,

Chris Zukowsky


Nominations for Shop Stewards Are Now Open

The deadline for nominations to be returned to the Union Hall is 12:00pm Friday February 26, 2021.

Pursuant to Article 9.4(g) of the Vancouver Local By-Laws: To be elected as a Shop Steward a nominee must have completed a basic shop steward course, as well as be a Member in Good Standing. Nominators must also be Members in Good Standing.

Stewards who were elected in 2018 need to run for re-election, as their two (2) year term was extended to 2021 due to the pandemic.

Stewards who were elected in the January 2019 Steward elections do not have to run in this election. Their term will be extended by one (1) year due to the pandemic.

Click Here to Learn More

February General Membership Meeting

Thursday, February 25 at 7pm
Zoom Video/Phone Conference

You must register in advance for this meeting. Registration Deadline Wednesday February 24 @7pm


*Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  

Click here to view the meeting agenda