August General Membership Meeting

Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 7 P.m.
Zoom Video/Phone Conference*


  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of new members
  3. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  4. Business arising out of the minutes
  5. Financials
  6. New Business
  7. Nominations and elections: 
    1. Balloting Committee (5)
    2. Health & Safety Committee (Minimum 9)
    3. Education Committee (8)
    4. Organization Committee (8)
    5. Publications Committee (8)
    6. Trustees Alternate (1) 
  1. Executive Committee Motions
  2. Unfinished business
  3. Correspondence
  4. Executive and Committee Reports
  5. Good and Welfare
  6. Adjournment

In Solidarity,

Chris Zukowsky, President




**Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.

Answering Your Questions: CUPW Wage Experience

Members often ask how our wages have increased compared to inflation. Following the merger of the bargaining units, the first urban collective agreement freely negotiated without legislation, took effect as of February 1, 1995.  Since then CUPW negotiated six times for the urban unit. On three occasions, we were legislated back to work. We also successfully negotiated collective agreements without strikes on three occasions. The urban unit suffered under government-imposed wage freezes for two years (1995 and 1996) and CUPW was forced to agree to a one-year wage freeze in 2012 to preserve our pensions.

Click Here to Continue Reading


Since the beginning of July 2020, workers with a medical condition deemed high risk and who had to stay home following the COVID-19 outbreak have been given a form prepared by Canada Life. This form was to be completed by a physician and was intended to determine if you should remain on leave or if you were fit to return to work. If you received this form, here’s what you need to know.

Click Here to Read More

2020 Annual Election Results

2020 Election Results



List of Executive as of July 26, 2020
President Chris Zukowsky
1st Vice President Blair Bancroft
2nd Vice President Nick Aubichon
3rd Vice President Anju Parmar
Secretary-Treasurer Stefanie Neumann
Grievance Officer Erin Collins
Education Director Sarah McGowan
Health and Safety Director Martin Kosik
Organization Director Condwiramurs McGowan
Recording Secretary Antoinette Bernabe
Chief Shop Steward Shift 1 PPC Zenaida Garcia
Chief Shop Steward Shift 2 PPC John Tweed
Chief Shop Steward Shift 3 PPC Vim Vimalendiran
Chief Shop Steward External Audrey Grant (LCD 1)
Chief Shop Steward External Kayla Ziefflie
Chief Shop Steward External Joseph Henderson McCance
Chief Shop Steward GLTs/Glen Drive Deo Raj

Thank you to everyone that put their name forward and congratulations to those elected.

We would also like to thank the members of the balloting committee for all the work you have done and to the volunteers that assisted with the election 

In Solidarity,

Chris Zukowsky, President



Disability and Life Insurance Adjustments and Retroactivity and Pension Adjustments For Retirees

On June 11, 2020, Arbitrator MacPherson imposed wage increases for the four (4) years of both urban and RSMC collective agreements of 2%, 2%, 2.5% and 2.9%.

Retirees who worked at CPC after February 1st, 2018 for Urban and after January 1st, 2018 for RSMCs are also entitled to retroactivity on all the time paid after these dates as the case may be.

Click here to learn more


Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the Vancouver local was forced to postpone the 2020 annual election. With no end in sight to restrictions on gatherings and social distancing we need to look at an alternate solution to conduct the 2020 elections. Due to these restrictions we are unable to use any Canada Post facility to carry out our election.

For more information click here