It’s that time of year again! The CUPW annual BBQ is coming up on SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th from 11am – 3pm at Fraser River Park, 8705 Angus Drive in Vancouver, near the South Vancouver Delivery Depot.

Click here for directions



*Due to limited seating we are asking that individuals bring their own blankets or camp chairs.*

JULY General Membership Meeting

Sunday July 28, 2019  1pm

Maritime Labour Centre

111 Victoria Dr Vancouver, BC


  1. Reading of new members
  2. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  3. Business arising out of the minutes
  4. Financials
  5. New Business:
  6. Notice of Motion # 1 (see reverse)
  7. Notice of Motion # 2 (see reverse)
  8. Notice of Motion # 3 (see reverse)
  9. Nominations and elections:
    1. Organization Committee (2)
  10. Executive Committee Motions
  11. Unfinished business
  12. Correspondence
  13. Executive and Committee Reports
  14. Good and Welfare
  15. Adjournment 

In Solidarity, 

Chris Zukowsky


50/50 tickets will be available throughout, with the draw at end of the GMM.

*Please note there is free parking in the rear of the building off of Pandora St. and access to the building is from this parking area.

*Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.     

click here to read more

ARBITRATION UPDATE – Union Completes Evidence

July 05, 2019

Bulletin # 083

Day 20 started with the cross examination of Nancy Beauchamp, Chief Negotiator RSMC. She reaffirmed the reasons why we must have language, in the collective agreement, to maintain Pay Equity.

Our last witness was Dave Bleakney, 2nd National Vice-President, who testified on our demand to increase the amount that Canada Post provides to the Union for the education fund. He testified that the costs associated with providing education have increased dramatically while the amount paid into the fund per hour paid has remained the same since 1995. He also testified that the number of issues we must educate our members on have increased.

Canada Post Evidence is Next

Now that we have completed our evidence, the next step in the arbitration process is for Canada Post to present its evidence. There will be a break in the hearings until August 20 due to the schedules of the arbitrator and legal counsel.

Once Canada Post completes its evidence, we will have the opportunity to provide rebuttal evidence (reply evidence). Prior to the arbitrator writing her decision, both parties will provide legal arguments based on the evidence provided during the hearings.

Negotiated Agreements = Improved Relationship 

We must all continue to remind Canada Post management, at every level, that the best way to try and improve the relationship between the parties is to attempt to resolve issues through negotiations. Imposed collective agreements rarely make either side happy. Tell Mr. Doug Ettinger, the new President and CEO of Canada Post, that we want negotiated collective agreements.

Canada Post, Its Time to Get Back to the Table!

In Solidarity,

Nancy Beauchamp

Chief Negotiator, RSMC Unit

Sylvain Lapointe

On Behalf of the Negotiating Committee, Urban Unit


June 28, 2019

Bulletin # 082

In the current round of negotiations, the parties (CUPW and CPC) agreed to create a new classification in Group 3 (VHE-10 Full-Service Vehicle Mechanic) and to form a committee to study and implement changes in an effort to streamline the roles in Groups 3 and 4.  The committee will begin its work as soon as possible and any changes, if agreed upon, will be implemented during the life of the new collective agreement.

read more here!


June 28, 2019

Bulletin # 081 

Day 18

On Day 18, Cathy Kennedy, member of the negotiating committee, testified to our demands to increase the amount of injury on duty pay for both bargaining units and to have RSMCs who are injured at work be paid directly by Canada Post. This would give RSMCs equality with Urban.

Then Sylvain Lapointe, member of the negotiating committee, testified on the need to update the date in Article 53 for Urban so that all regular employees would have job security at the date of signing of the new collective agreement. He also testified on the application of Appendix “E” in the Urban Collective agreement.

Amy Anderson, member of the negotiating committee followed this with her testimony on the need for job security for RSMCs, as well as the need for protections similar to Appendix “E” in the Urban collective agreement. She also testified on the importance of protecting RSMC work from being contracted out, now that CPC has been forced to follow the law and compensate RSMCs the same as letter carriers.

Day 19

Day 19 began with an in depth evidence from Geoff Bickerton – Director of Research, on the circumstances in 2011 and how the unconstitutional legislation justifies the need for wage increases requested by the Union.

His testimony was followed with evidence from Cathy Kennedy, Member of the negotiating committee, on our demand to increase the starting wages and reduce the number of years to progress to the top rate for employees hired after February 1, 2013.

Nancy Beauchamp, National Director Metro Montreal Region and RSMC Chief Negotiator, testified on the need for Canada Post to maintain pay equity for RSMCs.

Our Evidence is Almost Done

Our evidence is very close to being completed and our plan is to conclude by July 5. After that Canada Post will begin its evidence on August 20, with additional dates on August 21, 22 and 23rd.

Work Floor Actions Are the Best Way to Send CPC a Message!

In Solidarity,

Nancy Beauchamp

Chief Negotiator, RSMC Unit

Sylvain Lapointe

On Behalf of the Negotiating Committee Urban Unit


June 13, 2019 Bulletin # 080

Day 15

On Day 15, Toni MacAfee – Atlantic Regional Education and Organization Officer testified about negative, non-medical comments that Canada Post management was telling Great-West Life/Morneau Shepell Case Managers to enter in employees’ STDP files. After that, Geoff Bickerton – Director of Research testified on the history of Group 1 staffing and how we have fought for many years to maximize full-time employment and how important this issue is to us.

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