JUNE General Membership Meeting  

Thursday June 27th, 2019 @7PM

Maritime Labour Centre 111 Victoria Dr. Vancouver

 50/50 tickets will be available throughout, with the draw at end of the GMM.


  1. Reading of new members
  2. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  3. Business arising out of the minutes
  4. Financials
  5. New Business:
  6. Nominations and elections:
    1. Health & Safety Director
    2. Trustee Committee Alternate (1)
    3. Organization Committee (3)
    4. Publications Committee (1)
  7. Executive Committee Motions
  8. Unfinished business
  9. Correspondence
  10. Executive and Committee Reports
  11. Good and Welfare
  12. Adjournment 

In Solidarity, 

Chris Zukowsky


*Please note there is free parking in the rear of the building off of Pandora St. and access to the building is from this parking area.

Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.



May 30, 2019

Bulletin # 079 

Arbitration Issues So Far

We’ve been participating in the arbitration process set down by Bill C-89, the back-to-work legislation that passed last November. Although we believe the law is unconstitutional and violates our charter rights, we will abide by it while we challenge it in the courts.

That’s why you’re currently working under the terms of the expired contracts, and that’s why we are in this arbitration process.

The negotiating committee is working hard on presenting evidence to the arbitrator on the issues that were on the bargaining table, and bringing in witnesses who can explain to her the actual work process, issues and the impact on their lives.

Here’s a round-up of the issues that we’ve addressed in arbitration so far, for both bargaining units.

Urban Postal Operations unit RSMC unit
·         Multiple-bundle delivery method ·         Pay for all hours worked including overtime
·         Percentage of coverage formula and mail volume index ·         Pension on hours beyond Schedule “A” hours, up to 8 hours per day
·         Unwanted overtime on own route ·         Coverage of all absences
·         Overburdening ·         Restructures
·         Health and Safety issues including increased injury rates ·         Maximizing number of 8-hour routes
·         Short-Term Disability Plan ·         Short-Term Disability Plan
·         Leave for other Reasons (Special Leave) ·         Leave for Other Reasons (Special Leave)
  ·         Post-retirement benefits – eligibility date

The following are other topics that the Arbitrator recognized as matters in dispute, that still need to be presented:

Urban Postal Operations unit RSMC unit
·         Wages and Cost of Living Allowance ·         Wages and Cost of Living Allowance
·         Staffing Group 1 ·         Maintaining Pay Equity
·         Injury on Duty Leave ·         Injury on Duty Leave
·         Union Education Fund ·         Union Education Fund
·         Job Security ·         Job Security
·         Contracting Out/New Services ·         Contracting out and Job Retention


Urban Postal Operations unit (cont’d) RSMC unit (cont’d)
·         Union Proposals for Joint Projects (Social Stewards, Environment, and Service Expansion) ·         Union Proposals for Joint Projects (Social Stewards, Environment, and Service Expansion)
·         Updating of Expiry Dates in the Collective Agreement ·         Weekend Parcel Delivery
(CPC demand)
·         Temporary Staffing Group 2
(CPC Demand)
·         Temporary Workforce to Reduce Overtime (CPC Demand)

Days 14 and 15 and the Next Steps

Days 14 and 15 of the arbitration are now complete. We provided expert evidence from Dr. Daniel Robinson on the ergonomic impacts of the two (multi)-bundle delivery method.

We began our presentation of our evidence on some of the problems with the STDP with testimony from Sister Jackie Lester, a RSMC from Surrey, BC and Sister Debbie Carmichael, the former Ontario Regional Grievance Officer. We will continue this evidence on June 10.

Negotiate Now!

While we are engaging in the legislated process, we’re still working to bring Canada Post back to the negotiating table

Having a new National President – Jan Simpson – and a relatively new CEO at Canada Post Corporation – Doug Ettinger – may be a good opportunity to resume negotiations and pursue a negotiated settlement. We know that’s the preferred way to address our issues and move forward.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and keep telling the boss that we want real solutions to our issues – we want negotiated collective agreements.

In Solidarity,

Nancy Beauchamp

Chief Negotiator, RSMC Unit

Sylvain Lapointe

On Behalf of the Negotiating Committee Urban Unit


BY-ELECTION Health and Safety Director

Following the election for Union Representative Pacific Region for Jennifer Savage, the above position is now open for election. (The duties of the Health and Safety Director are listed below.)

Candidates must be a member in good standing and must have attended at least three (3) General Membership Meetings in the twelve (12) months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations as per Article 9.1 D of our by-laws.

Interim election procedures apply. Nominations in writing, with written acceptance, may be sent to the Union Hall prior to the June GMM. Nominations may also be made and accepted at the Thursday, June 27, 2019, GMM.

The election will be held:

Thursday June 27, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.
Maritime Labour Centre

This election will take place as part of the normal order of business during the June Membership Meeting as per Article 9.7 A of our by-laws, and will cover till the annual election in January 2020.

*Please note that you must be a member in good standing to vote.*


  • Shall be an elected officer and voting member of the Executive Committee and shall be the Chairperson of the Health and Safety Committee.
  • Shall coordinate the activities of the Health and Safety Committee.

Shall report to the Executive Committee



May 22, 2019                                                                            Bulletin # 078

On April 29, 2019 Arbitrator Elizabeth McPherson wrote to the Minister of Labour Patti Hajdu, requesting an extension of her appointment until December 31, 2019.




During the week of May 13 to 17 the Vancouver Local Office will operating with a reduced staff as the majority of the local executive is attending the National CUPW Quadrennial Convention.

The Officers will have limited access to their email during this time. If there is an emergency or you require immediate assistance please contact:

Audrey Grant A/1st Vice-President  604-685-6581 ext #1


Joseph Henderson McCance A/Grievance Officer 604-685-6581 ext #5

If your matter is not urgent in nature, please speak to a shop steward or, you can email one of the officers. Officers emails are located at the “Contact Us” tab on our website.

We appreciate your patience and would like to thank you for your understanding.

In Solidarity,

CUPW Vancouver Local Executive

MAY General Membership Meeting

Sunday May 26th, 2019, at 1 p.m.
The Maritime Labour Centre*

50/50 tickets will be available throughout, with the draw at end of the GMM.


  1. Reading of new members
  2. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  3. Business arising out of the minutes
  4. New Business:
  5. Nominations and elections:
    1. Organization Committee (3)
    2. Publications Committee (1)
  6. Financials
  7. Executive Committee Motions
  8. Unfinished business
  9. Correspondence
  10. Executive and Committee Reports
  11. Good and Welfare
  12. Adjournment 

In Solidarity, 

Chris Zukowsky


* Please note there is free parking in the rear of the building off of Pandora St. and access to the building is from this parking area.

Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.