On Thursday January 29, 2025, Canada Post requested consult with CUPW to break the past practice of how our members are moved out of section.  The previous agreement was that volunteers were canvased, if none, then moved by reverse seniority. Canada Post has decided to use a new practice of being able to move anyone, anywhere with no respect to seniority or anything else.  CUPW objects to this whole heartedly.  We believe seniority counts for something.  We also believe that, left to their own devices, management will use it to target members or move the same people over and over because they move without questioning.  We believe that the reverse seniority helped shield us from these issues as it introduced a policy that was universal.  Even though CUPW objected, Canada Post is pushing ahead with this new unfair practice.

We need to fight this new unfair process to try to ensure fairness.  Here are some things we would like our members to do when moved without using the reverse seniority process.

  1. File ALL backfilling grievances. It is difficult for the corporation to move people without backfilling the rotation you were on.  We need to hold Canada Post responsible for this violation of the collective agreement.
  2. Use your right under Article 9.07 to complain if you feel you have been moved unfairly. Management needs to know what they are doing wrong and how it effects people.
  3. Use Article 6.03(c) when you are moved out of section. This article is to be used whenever you start in a new section.  It is 15 min with a steward when starting a new assignment.
  4. If you believe you are being targeted by management please consider filing a harassment complaint or a Notice of Occurrence. Everyone has the right to work harassment free.
  5. Care about your health and safety! If you are not sure of all process’ ask.  Ask where the emergency exits are.  Ask where the muster stations are.  Don’t take anything to do with your health and safety lightly.

If you have any concerns or question, please reach out to me or your shift Executive shop steward.

In Solidarity,

 Bryan Schuck, 3rd Vice President