Last week the Provincial Minister of Education tabled back-to-work legislation against the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation. Like CUPW, Teachers were never given the opportunity to negotiate a collective agreement. Teachers have been engaged in work to rule and unstrike action since the beginning of this school year, however, the Liberal Government of Christy Clark have refused to move on any substantive issues.

Workers cannot just sit back and accept this behaviour from our elected representatives. For one we must stop voting for the representatives of the 1 %. More importantly we must stand up and record our dissent when Unions are forced to return to work and have their collective bargaining rights stripped away. Continue reading “CUPW SUPPORTS BC’S TEACHERS”

Strike Pay is Non-Taxable

Strike Pay is Not Taxed

The Vancouver Local has been receiving numerous enquiries regarding whether or not strike pay is taxable income.  The last time this was an issue was 1997 but tax law has not changed since then.  Stike pay is still not taxable.  Canada Revenue Agency’s web site maintains a list of “Amounts that are not taxed” which includes the following:

“most payments of the type commonly referred to as strike pay you received from your union, even if you perform picketing duties as a requirement of membership; and”

Kelly Porter: thoughts from your friends at Canada Post

Kelly Porter

Kelly, some might say that you were a castle.

Tall turrets, that enabled a spectacular view and deep deep dungeons reaching far into the earth.

A fine moat encompassing your fortress, with a draw bridge for a special few. Occasionally the draw bridge would be lowered and Kelly came out to play.

Those were bright humorous times sharing good food and a few drinks whilst beating everyone at pool.

The Flying Beaver Waitresses will miss your generous tips, you always made us look bad, and they were all smiles.

We hope they have pulled pork, or butter chicken wherever you are now and of course every sports channel known to humanity so you could watch the game. And did I mention beat everyone at pool!?

We won’t forget these times; they are forever in our hearts. Many people will miss your face, and the Starbucks on Bridgeport has already noted a dip in sales without you sliding thru for that 6 shot latte in those sexy wheels. By the way, where are the keys??

So on behalf of every customer you delivered to, and all the people you worked with on your Canada Post journey, thank you for sharing what you could. May you find a place to love, prosper, and laugh for a long time.

No 24’s

No Flyers

No Pain

Just peace.

May your drawbridge forever be lowered.

From your friends at Canada Post.


Please join Kelly’s friends and Co-workers to celebrate her life.
Come have a drink, tell a story and share a laugh.

DATE: Saturday, March 3, 2012 @ 5:00 PM

PLACE: Pier 73 Restaurant – 3500 Cessna Drive, Richmond, BC. (Google Map)

CUPW Wins Federal Court Case on Status of the Arbitrator

CUPW Wins Federal Court Case on Status of the Arbitrator

Today the Federal Court of Canada issued their decision (please see attached) in the Union’s request for a Judicial Review of the appointment of the Arbitrator under the Conservative Government’s back to work legislation (Bll C-6).

For your reference here is a link to the text of Bill C-6:

The attached decision is in French.  However, a translation and official bulletin summarizing the decision will be available in the near future.

However, the decision essentially states the following:

  1. The defendant’s [Canada Post] motion to dismiss is denied and the application for judicial review of union is allowed in part;
  2. The application for a declaration of annulment of Article 12 of the Act [Bill C-6] is denied;
  3. The decision of 22 July 2011 by the Minister of [Labour] to appoint the Honourable Coulter A. Osborne is canceled;
  4. Before appointing a new arbitrator, the Minister must take into account the reasons for judgement of the Court and shall ensure that the candidate has proven experience in labour relations and is bilingual;
  5. The union is entitled to costs against the Attorney General of Canada.  The union is entitled to costs against the employer in respect to the injunction and stay of proceedings only.

This is another major victory for the Union against the attacks by the Conservative Government and Canada Post on the rights of Postal Workers and all workers in Canada to free collective bargaining.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Regional office.

Settlement Talks Unsuccessful

Settlement Talks Unsuccessful

Recently there were meetings between CUPW and Canada Post Corporation to discuss a settlement of the urban operation collective agreement. This was to avoid the Final Offer Selection Arbitration Process established as part of the back to work legislation imposed by the Conservative government.

Prior to those discussions the parties agreed that neither would communicate any information about the settlement discussions with the sole exception of the fact that discussions had taken place.

The talks were unsuccessful and have concluded.

Further information on developments in the arbitration process will be made available as they occur.

In solidarity,

Denis Lemelin
National President and Chief Negotiator