Results of the 2012 Plant Gate Election

Grievance Officer – Karen De Francesco

Chief Steward VMPP #1 – Angelito Decena

In addition, the following members have been elected as Shop Stewards for a 2 (two) year term:

Darcy Booker
Dustin O’Brien
Carolyn Quirt
Ray Telford

Stn. D
Karen De Francesco

Stn. F
Ed Frymire
Ernest Tosch

Stn. G
Martin Prud’homme

Stn. K
Erin Collins
Jenny Noble
Maya Wilson

Gina Irons
Dale Zerr

Blair Bancroft
Nancy Jonat
Wendy Lund

Depot 3
Kyle Thorpe

Depot 32
Aaron Spires

Depot 74
Mark Farr
Kay Matheson
Ty Perry
Colin Shotbolt
Dianna Woods

Chad Bell
Shane O’Neill
Phil Rodriguez
Leo Soriano

RDC 22
N Chau

Glen Drive
Deo Raj

VPDC # 1
Ben Deo
Scott Dowling
Evan Gill
Murray McKenzie
Baltej Sandhu

VPDC # 2
Neerjha Bhatara
Bonifacio Catao
Maureen Chen
Melanie Cuenca
Doug McFeely
Anju Parmar

VPDC # 3
Nebojsa Chukich
Layla Dennis
Peter Derksen
Karamjit Heer
Vim Vimalendiran

Ken Honeybourne
Jayne Priest

VMPP # 1
Kim Anderson
Lynn Bacon
Edna Bathan
Perry Kumar
Cristina MacLennan
Stephanie Mapatac
Linda Oudie
Dennis Wright

VMPP # 2
Marie Cuenca
Michelle Cuenca
Gina Tessaro
John Tweed

VMPP # 3
Gary Asselin
Greg Corbin
William Leung
Denny Pasquier
Kathy Roczkowskyj

Vaughn Reddy

Thank you for your support and participation in our local election.

In Solidarity,


Robert Mulvin



CUPW has filed a National Policy grievance alleging Canada Post violated the Urban Operations Collective Agreement between May 30 and June 27, 2011.

Bill C-6, the back-to-work legislation, extended the term of the Urban Operations Collective Agreement back to February 1, 2011.

As a result, CUPW is arguing that the Urban Operations Collective agreement was in full force and effect for the entire period. Continue reading “EMPLOYER CONTINUES TO PENALIZE US FOR USING OUR RIGHT TO STRIKE IN JUNE!”

Kudos from a customer.

It sometimes seems like negative news is the only news published about Canada’s Post Office and the workers who deliver the mail.

This does not match the real life experience of CUPW postal workers as they interact with their customers, the Canadian residents and businesses to whom they deliver.

So it is always nice to see something published which shines a positive light on postal workers such as this letter seen in the local Vancouver Newspaper on Friday.


by Installation

Advance Poll (Union Hall) January 13 (Friday) 6:30 am – 11:00 am
Advance Poll (Union Hall) January 13 (Friday) 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Post Poll (Union Hall) January 20 (Friday) 6:30 am – 11:00 am
Post Poll (Union Hall) January 20 (Friday) 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
CDC January 17 (Tuesday) 6:30 am – 1:30 pm
Depot 32 January 18 (Wednesday) 6:30 am – 8:00 am
Depot 74 January 17 (Tuesday) 6:00 am – 1:30 am
Glen Dr. January 19 (Thursday) 11:00 am – 11:20 am
MVDC January 18 (Wednesday) 6:30 am – 9:30 am
NBDC January 19 (Thursday) 6:30 am – 9:30 am
NVan 3 January 17 (Tuesday) 6:30 am – 8:00 am
NVan 4 January 17 (Tuesday) 6:30 am – 8:00 am
Pacific January 19 (Thursday) 12:45 pm – 1:00 pm
RDC 22 January 17 (Tuesday) 6:30 am – 9:30 am
RDC 23 & 24 January 17 (Tuesday) 6:00 am – 3:00 pm
Richmond Retail January 17 (Tuesday) 10:15 am – 11:15 pm
Royal/Bentall January 19 (Thursday) 11:45 am – 12:30 pm
SBDC January 18 (Wednesday) 6:30 am – 9:30 am
Station D January 18 (Wednesday) 6:30 am – 9:30 am
Station F January 19 (Thursday) 6:30 am – 9:30 am
Station G January 19 (Thursday) 6:30 am – 8:00 am
Station K January 19 (Thursday) 6:30 am – 8:00 am
Station S January 18 (Wednesday) 6:00 am – 1:30 pm
SVDC January 17 (Tuesday) 6:00 am – 1:30 pm
VMPP January 15 (Sunday) 7:30 am – 12:30 am
VMPP January 17 (Tuesday) 6:30 am – 12:30 am
VMPP January 19 (Thursday) 6:30 am – 12:30 am
VPDC January 15 (Sunday) 7:30 am – 10:30 am
VPDC January 17 (Tuesday) 6:30 am – 2:00 am
West Van Retail January 17 (Tuesday) 11:30 am – 12:00 pm

In Solidarity,

Martin Prud’homme
Chair, Balloting Committee


Voluntary Early Starts?

Voluntary Early Starts?

Brothers and Sisters,

Over the last few weeks some of you may have noticed Canada Post Management soliciting members in regards to voluntary early starts for Mondays. There is no mention or language in the Collective Agreement that allows for this.

I implore you to reject these propositions with haste. For those of you who remember, Canada Post used to offer “pre-shift” overtime during the Holiday Season to alleviate the burden on Letter Carriers. Agreeing to this means you will be sorting mail during this time and not departing any earlier.

This leads to you delivering more mail than usual and not being compensated for overtime. Adhering to your scheduled start time is important and allows you to be eligible for overtime if you are delayed past your departure time and therefor may work longer than (8) hours. Do not believe for a second that you are helping yourself or other members, this is merely a devious and cunning tactic on the part of Canada Post to process more product and reduce overtime.

Let’s face facts, this is purely a statistically driven corporation whose sole purpose is to disregard Health and Safety and cut jobs to produce profits. Having doubts? Just take a look around at the current rate of restructures occurring in Vancouver this past year. Richmond Delivery Center lost (19) full time positions this summer and station F, S, and D currently are under attack. Plain and simple, they are removing walks and with the addition of 30-40 minutes per route, it is absolutely clear that the Corporation has only one priority the bottom line.

So next time you decide to start early and rush through your route, stop for a moment and reflect on your actions and the repercussions which may occur as a result of them, even if you perceive your actions to be inconsequential.



Chris Zukowsky.




Plant gate elections for Executive positions and Shop Stewards will take place between January 15 – 20, 2012. An advance poll will be held at the Union hall on january 13, 2012. There will also be a post poll at the Union Hall for last minute voters on January 20, 2012.

The Balloting Committee has issued a complete schedule of polling times for all work locations

The elections will be for:

Grievance Officer
Karen DeFrancesco
Wendy Lund
Chief Shop Steward VMPP #1 Shift (1) Angelito Decena
Perry Kumar
Dennis Wright

The following positions were filled by acclamation:

1st Vice-President Kim Evans
Andy Henderson
Health & Safety Director Jennifer Savage
Organization Director/Tyler
Tricia Maras
Recording Secretary/By-Laws Chair
Louise (Fruma) Sloan
Chief Shop Steward Letter Carrier Janet Askin
Donna MacIntosh
Chief Shop Steward VMPP #2
Jeannette McConnell
Chief Shop Steward VPDC All Shifts
Anju Parmar
Vim Vimalendiran
Chief Shop Steward MSC
Pat Bertrand

No nominations were received for the following:

Chief Shop Steward –  VMPP#3

Chief Shop Steward GL&T/Gl.Dr

In Solidarity,

Andy Henderson