Rally for Respect
Calling all picketers and members. Come to the Rally for Respect. Please wear black.
11:30 a.m. at the Vancouver Mail Processing Plant tomorrow, Monday, June 27.
It does not matter when or where your picket duty is, this will count as a picket shift.
Postal Workers Remain Determined, Proud and United
June 26, 2011 – 11:00
Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / Bulletin
Negotiations Bulletin no. 77
With the passage of Bill C-6, the Harper government has declared war on postal workers and all working people. The anti-worker bias of this government was demonstrated clearly yesterday when the Conservative government of Stephen Harper vetoed every attempt by the opposition parties to amend the legislation. The government even said no to proposals that would give the arbitrator the ability to mediate between the parties. As expected, the government imposed a wage increase that is less than the last offer presented by Canada Post management.
NEB Unanimously Decides To Return To Work
The National Executive Board has unanimously decided that CUPW will return to work in accordance with the terms of the legislation. The legislation provides for enormous financial penalties for individuals and union representatives in the case of defiance. We believe that this government would use any excuse to destroy the union should we defy the legislation, and we will not give them any opportunity to do so. CUPW will be contacting Canada Post to discuss a return-to-work procedure, and we will notify you concerning the procedure for returning to work.
Postal Workers Can Be Very Proud
All CUPW members can go back to work with our heads held high. Throughout this struggle, we showed unprecedented strength, solidarity, determination and courage.
Just as we were united on the picket lines, we need to be united and strong when we are back in the workplace. We need to send a strong message to Canada Post that the lockout was wrong, and that their reliance on legislation is shameful. We need to support our shop stewards and local union representatives who will be on the front line in our struggles with management.
Our Struggle Continues
We are returning to work, but we are not defeated. CUPW has been legislated back to work in the past and that has not stopped us from continuing our struggle for justice and dignity. The government cannot legislate away our solidarity and determination. We will continue to work with all of the groups and organizations that have supported us, including labour unions, women’s groups, students, pensioners and our community and political allies to fight for decent jobs and pensions for all working people.
In solidarity,
Denis Lemelin
National President and Chief Negotiator
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The Union will be contacting Canada Post on the return to work protocol – Until such time, picket lines should be maintained
June 26 2011
To : All Local Presidents
The back-to-work legislation comes into effect 24 hours after it has received royal assent.
The Union will be contacting Canada Post on the return to work protocol. Until such time, picket lines should be maintained.
In Solidarity,
Denis Lemelin
Président national / National President
Négociateur en chef, unité de l’exploitation postale urbaine /
Chief Negotiator, Urban Postal Operations Unit
“The Struggle Continues Dance and Barbeque”
“The Struggle Continues Dance and Barbeque” that was held on Friday, June 24th on the VMPP lock-out line was a huge success. A long list of people made that possible:
Thank-you to all the members who brought food and drinks for the potluck.There was a fantastic selection of delicious food that had people “wowing” at the tables.
Thank-you to Vancouver & District Labour Council for bringing platters of fresh fruit and vegetables. Thank-you to all of the members from other unions who came by to show their support.
Thank-you to all of the retired and ex-posties who contributed and came by to give us moral support.
Thank-you to Erin and DJ Lock-out for arranging the music. The music went all day and well into the night. Who would have guessed that so many of our members have hot dancing moves?
Thank-you to Barb, Milorad and Zlatica for organizing the barbeque and shopping for basics. Thanks to Richard for manning the barbeque so ably. And thanks to everybody else who pitched in to make it work.
J C Parrot and Harvie (The Hack) André on CBC’s The Current
Vancouver-Kensington MLA Mable Elmore to visit Canada Post picket line
Vancouver-Kensington MLA Mable Elmore will be visiting the Canada Post picket line at 349 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia at 4:00pm on Wednesday June 22nd. She will be bringing pancit and pandesal for those who are walking the picket line.
As there are a large number of Filipino employees who work for Canada Post, this strike hits close to home on another level. This is an invitation to the Filipino media in the Lower Mainland to join Mable on her visit.
Please contact Bootz Estella at 778.709.4474 regarding further inquiries.