Negotiations Bulletin no. 61
Today, CUPW replied to CPC’s latest global offer. Our proposals are designed to invigorate the negotiations and set the stage for a settlement.
Here is a summary of our latest moves.
Pensions: In light of CPC’s rejection of our latest offer, we have withdrawn our proposal. Instead, we are proposing a joint committee that will examine solutions to preserve our defined benefit pension plan. The committee will be empowered to use the services of experts and actuaries. Its report will be presented to the parties at least one year prior to the expiry of the collective agreement.
Short-Term Disability Plan (STD): CPC has proposed the establishment of a committee to examine its proposal for a short-term disability plan and ‘reduce the rate of casual and certified sick leave and special leave’. If the parties cannot reach agreement the issue would be decided by a government-appointed arbitrator who would operate under a mandate totally biased towards the establishment of an STD. We reject any proposal that would permit a third party to eliminate our sick leave and impose a STD. However, we are proposing a joint committee with a much-expanded mandate, including absenteeism harassment, the cause of injuries, and the financial implications of recovery of injury-on-duty payments. Under our proposal the committee would report to the parties at least one year prior to the expiry of the collective and there would be no arbitration process.
Work Measurement System: We are in agreement with the latest proposal of the employer concerning Appendices V and CC. These Appendices, which govern the work measurement systems for Group 2 workers, will be renewed status quo and the date in Appendix CC will be updated. These are very important provisions, which safeguard the work for Group 2 employees. They were major issues in the 1997 strike.
Admail: We have agreed to CPC’s proposal to use engineered standards to calculate the householder time on each route. The weight of the mail, including admail, will be taken into consideration for the calculation of relays and mail mobile stops. However, the Union has made it clear to CPC that this agreement is conditional on CPC addressing our demands for one bundle delivery and percentage of coverage that impact on the health and safety of letter carriers.
Wages: We have maintained our demand for a wage increase of 3.3% in the first year and 2.75% in each of the following three years. For Groups 1 and 2, the wage increases are based on the PO5 maximum rate. For groups 3 and 4, the wage increases are based on the MAM11 maximum rate. We have altered our proposal on wage increments in an effort to stimulate some movement from CPC on wages. All current temporary employees shall be red-circled and when they obtain a regular position their pay will be based on their continuous years of service. We emphasized to Canada Post that any agreement on wages would have to include a cost of living allowance (COLA) that fully protects our wages from inflation.
Internal Staffing: In light of the decision of CPC to withdraw their demand for more part-time employees we have adjusted our proposal. We agree to CPC’s proposal to keep the current percentage of the staffing ratio (Appendix P) at 78% and we are maintaining our proposal to include overtime in the calculation. We are also maintaining our demand to create a regular part-time position whenever a temporary works 1,000 hours or more over a twelve-month period. We are incorporating CPC’s previous offer that would convert part-time positions into full-time when a part-time worker works, on average, 900 hours during a thirty-week period.
At the meeting we informed the employer that we are prepared to make more adjustments in our previously-submitted global offer provided that we see some genuine movement on the part of CPC on our demands that aim to address real problems the members live day to day in the work place.