Strike Action Begins

June 2, 2011  –  18:40

Strike / Bulletin

Negotiations Bulletin no. 54

After more than seven months of difficult and frustrating negotiations, CUPW has initiated strike activity. Tonight, members of the Winnipeg local will be the first postal workers to legally strike in more than thirteen years.

The purpose of our strike is to encourage CPC management to return to the bargaining table with a proposal that meets the needs of current and future postal workers.

The Union entered into these negotiations determined to address many workplace problems, such as excessive workload, inadequate staffing, and the constant harassment of workers when they are sick or injured. We also came with proposals to address the problems resulting from the introduction of the new equipment and sequencing of mail as part of CPC’s $2 billion Modern Post program. Examples of our proposals include greater rotation of duties, ergonomic studies, proper time values and the implementation of a one bundle delivery method for points of call other than centralize delivery and stop and go.


Little Progress on our Demands

During the past seven months, we have been able to make some important progress. We have convinced CPC to drop some of the concessions that they initially demanded. However, we have yet to receive a serious offer from management which addresses the very real problems experienced by postal workers. Management has yet to drop its major demands to eliminate our sick leave and impose an inferior short-term disability plan and significantly lower pay rates and pensions for new hires.


Negotiations Continue

Yesterday we met with senior management in an effort to break the current impasse. They made some minor adjustments to their proposal including the suggestion of final offer binding arbitration of the demand to eliminate our sick leave plan. There was almost no movement on our issues. Today there were meetings of both the delivery and operations sub-tables. There was some movement on the part of CPC but nothing on the major outstanding issues. Today we again met with the Minister of Labour, Lisa Raitt. We informed her that we would commence strike action tomorrow to provoke CPC to engage in serious negotiations. Currently the National Executive Board is reviewing the issues. We expect to meet senior post office management tomorrow.


Future Strike Activity

The NEB will evaluate the situation on a daily basis and determine our strike strategy based on developments at the bargaining table. All members are encouraged to visit to learn about up-to-date developments in negotiations and to see when your local will be called into action.


In solidarity,

Denis Lemelin
National President and Chief Negotiator

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Canadian Union of Postal Workers Holding Press Conference

June 2, 2011  –  14:30

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / Media Advisory

Media Advisory



The Canadian Union of Postal Workers is holding a press conference.



Friday, June 3, 2011 at 9 a.m.



377 Bank Street (corner of Lewis/James)

1st floor



CUPW National President and Chief Negotiator Denis Lemelin and members of the Negotiating Committee will be on hand to speak with the media about negotiations and strike activities.



Press Kits will be Available in French and in English


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For further information: Please contact Aalya Ahmad, CUPW Communications,             (613) 236-7238       ext. 7914 or             (613) 327-1177       (cell).