June 2, 2011 – Negotiations Alert: Strike Begins Tonight in Winnipeg

June 2, 2011  –  10:40

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / News Alert

The strike will begin at 11:59 p.m. EDT in Winnipeg (10:59 p.m. CDT). The Winnipeg local will be on strike for 24 hours, after which the strike will continue in other locations to be announced later.

The purpose of this strike activity is to encourage Canada Post Corporation to abandon their proposals for significant concessions and instead negotiate solutions to the very real problems that are being experienced by 48,000 postal workers.

Winnipeg has been chosen as the location for the first strike activity because it was the first city to be impacted by Canada Post’s modernization program. The results have been a sharp deterioration of service to the public as well as a host of health and safety problems experienced by postal workers due to the new work methods and equipment.

CUPW has negotiations demands designed to resolve these problems and we want Canada Post to address them.

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Negotiations Alert: Meetings with CPC President Chopra and Labour Minister Raitt

June 1, 2011  –  18:00

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / News Alert

Meetings with CPC President Chopra and Labour Minister Raitt

Today we had meetings with CPC President Chopra and Labour Minister Raitt. In the first meeting with CPC President Deepak Chopra and CPC Chief Negotiator Mark MacDonell, both parties reviewed their positions. CPC President Chopra discussed the financial situation of the Corporation much in line with a media statement CPC released immediately prior to the meeting.

We informed Mr. Chopra that the union remained strongly opposed to the short-term disability plan and to lower wages and benefits for new hires as proposed by management. We told CPC President Deepak Chopra that we had several very important demands concerning staffing and the work process of both internal and external workers.


Meeting With Raitt

We then met with Labour Minister Lisa Raitt. At this meeting we were joined by mediator Jacques Lessard and another government official. CPC President Deepak Chopra and CPC Chief Negotiator Mark MacDonell also both attended. At this meeting Ms. Raitt encouraged both parties to resume negotiations.

We reminded Ms Raitt that it is the responsibility of the Minister of Labour to honour and promote the legal rights of workers and unions, including the right to negotiate and to strike over unresolved issues if necessary. Ms. Raitt acknowledged the union’s rights and requested that the parties meet with her again in the near future to update her as to the progress of negotiations.


No Meetings Yet

As of 5:00 p.m. EDT, there are no meetings scheduled between the parties. To date CPC has not responded to any of the new positions advanced by the union in our final offer except to say no.

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CPC Says “NO”

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / News Alert

CPC Says “NO”

Today we met with the CPC bargaining committee to receive their response to our final offer. At the meeting, which lasted less than 10 minutes, the Employer stated that they were rejecting our offer in its entirety. Basically they said nothing more than what was contained in their press statement of yesterday. The only exception was that they acknowledged we had moved dramatically on some issues.


CPC Prefers Media Messages to Negotiations

Instead of negotiating with the Union, CPC issued a statement commenting on the importance of postal service to rural residents, seniors and small businesses. In their statement, they also say they are ‘offering employees better pay and benefits than they currently enjoy.’

They do not say:

  • They are demanding an end to sick leave for all employees and the imposition of a short-term disability plan that provides inadequate coverage for short term illnesses and threatens medical privacy;

  • They have been attempting to reduce service in rural areas;

  • They have not responded to the Union’s proposals to extend door-to-door delivery service to seniors and persons with mobility restrictions;

  • They have rejected all of our proposals to follow the example of other postal administrations and diversify into financial and banking services;

  • They are demanding a starting wage, which is 22% less than the current starting rate.


CUPW Meets With Labour Minister Raitt

Today, we also met with the Federal Minister of Labour, Lisa Raitt. She suggested she would organize a meeting with CPC President Deepak Chopra for tomorrow. We agreed to the meeting. At the time of writing this alert, no time has been set for the meeting.

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CUPW Makes Last Ditch Effort to Avoid a Strike

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / Media Release

For Immediate Release

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) has made a final offer to Canada Post in the hopes of negotiating a settlement.

The offer includes several important amendments and clarifications to our positions and we are confident this offer can be accepted by CPC as the basis of a settlement.

CUPW has also given the notice, required by the Canada Labour Code, of its intent to strike if there is no settlement flowing from its final offer. The union will be in a legal position to strike on Thursday, June 2, 2011, at 11:59 p.m. EDT. The union said the notice puts pressure on Canada Post to actually negotiate.

“Striking is our only real bargaining lever with Canada Post and we have concluded that we must give notice that we are willing to use our legal right to strike to get a decent contract that meets the needs of our members and preserves public postal service,” said CUPW National President Denis Lemelin.

“After seven months of negotiations, Canada Post continues to demand major concessions, including unsafe work methods, a 22 per cent wage reduction for new hires and the elimination of a sick leave plan that members have had for over 40 years,” said Lemelin.

“Canada Post’s intransigence at the bargaining table has left the union with little choice but to accept unsafe and unfair conditions or strike. But we hope it won’t come to that.”

Lemelin said the union is willing to bargain right up to the strike deadline to get a contract based on its final offer, which means that a work disruption could still be averted even though the union has given notice of its intent to strike.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers represents 48,000 members in its urban operations bargaining unit, including full-time, part-time, and temporary workers. It also represents another 7000 rural and suburban mail carriers at Canada Post who are part of another bargaining unit.


Today, in an effort to break the impasse at negotiations, CUPW presented a final offer to the Canada Post Corporation negotiating committee. The Union also issued its strike notice to the Employer and the Minister of Labour. If we have not reached a negotiated collective agreement we will be in a legal position to strike as of 11:59 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 2nd, 2011.

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Strike Notice Given

Today, in an effort to break the impasse at negotiations, CUPW presented a final offer to the Canada Post Corporation negotiating committee. The Union also issued its strike notice to the Employer and the Minister of Labour. If we have not reached a negotiated collective agreement we will be in a legal position to strike as of 11:59 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 2nd, 2011.