CUPW Final Offer – May 30, 2011

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / Global Offer

CUPW has closely reviewed the “revised final offer” submitted by the Corporation on May 24, 2011. We regret to say that this offer does not meet the needs and expectations of our members. On the contrary, the Corporation is still seeking a deterioration of our members’ working conditions as well as major rollbacks of important rights.

Given this situation, and after more than seven months of negotiations, CUPW has nevertheless decided to make a new and final effort to arrive at a negotiated agreement without a work disruption. We have reviewed all outstanding issues and are submitting to the Corporation the offer outlined below.

This is a global offer that can only be accepted as a whole. It is presented in an effort to reach a negotiated agreement.

If a collective agreement is not reached, CUPW reserves the right to return to its previous positions and will have no other choice but to exercise its right to strike.

All agreements in principle signed by the parties shall be maintained.

All provisions of the collective agreement that are not amended through these agreements in principle or through the proposals that follow shall be renewed status quo, except where concordance changes are necessary.

Regarding the issues specifically referred to below, CUPW proposes adopting the contractual language already provided to the Corporation, unless otherwise indicated.

This document is available in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Please click here to download it.

Negotiations Alert: CUPW Members Should Prepare to Support the Negotiating Committee

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / News Alert

As stated yesterday the National Negotiating Committee and National Executive Board are meeting to evaluate the situation and plan our next move. Consequently, the CUPW National Executive Board has decided not to submit a 72-hour strike notice today. There will be no strike activity on June 1st.

Continue reading “Negotiations Alert: CUPW Members Should Prepare to Support the Negotiating Committee”

Canada Post’s 3-R Approach to Bargaining: Radical, Reckless and Risky

Negotiations Bulletin no. 51

With the appointment of Deepak Chopra in February 2011 many people hoped we would see a change in the confrontational and arrogant approach that characterized CPC management during the years of Moya Greene.

However, since February, we have yet to see any change in the approach that CPC management has taken to our current negotiations. Instead of identifying problems and discussing solutions with the Union, CPC’s approach on the financial issues at bargaining can only be described as radical, reckless and risky.

Continue reading “Canada Post’s 3-R Approach to Bargaining: Radical, Reckless and Risky”

Negotiations Alert: National Negotiating Committee and National Executive Board to Meet Over the Weekend

Urban Postal Unit Negotiations (2011) / News Alert

Today, the Operations and Delivery Sub-Tables met to discuss major issues, such as staffing, rotation of duties, householder values, health and safety, contracting-in of Group 3 work, and the workload and work rules of Group 2 workers. There was little progress. There is no indication that CPC is prepared to seriously discuss the real problems facing postal workers as a result of inadequate staffing and the introduction of the Modern Post. For CPC management these negotiations are mainly about eliminating sick leave and imposing less pay and benefits on workers.


National Negotiating Committee and National Executive Board to Meet Over the Weekend

Over the weekend the National Negotiating Committee and National Executive Board will meet to evaluate the situation and plan our next move.  In this context, the CUPW National Executive Board has decided not to submit a 72-hour strike notice today. Consequently, there will be no strike activity on May 31st.  However, given the refusal of CPC management to address our demands, all members should be prepared to participate in strike action in the very near future.


The $1.4 Billion Fiction

Today it was confirmed that none of the CPC negotiators are prepared to explain how they determined that our demands would result in the creation of 3,000 jobs and cost $1.4 Billion. It has been confirmed however that CPC’s figures were based on many false assumptions.