CUPW Presents Global Offer

CUPW Presents Global Offer

download the offer in PDF format

Negotiations Bulletin no. 46 – May 22, 2011

Today, in an effort to energize negotiations CUPW presented a global offer to the Canada Post Corporation negotiating committee.

In response to CPC’s global offer we have presented a comprehensive offer that represents the priorities of the CUPW membership. In line with our 94.5% strike vote we informed Canada Post management that we are totally opposed to their proposal for the elimination of sick leave and the imposition of the short-term disability plan administered by Manulife. We also told the Corporation that the Union rejected the Corporation’s proposal for a 22% reduction in the starting wage rate for future hires and two‑tier benefits and pensions for current temporary employees and future hires.

Major elements of the Union’s global offer include:

Continue reading “CUPW Presents Global Offer”

CUPW To Submit Global Offer

CUPW To Submit Global Offer

In an effort to energize negotiations CUPW is preparing a global offer that will address all outstanding issues in our negotiations with the Canada Post Corporation. We believe this offer should be the basis of a settlement. The offer will be provided to the Employer on Sunday, May 22, 2011. The exact time has yet to be determined. Continue reading “CUPW To Submit Global Offer”

Global News Coverage May 17, 2011

On the early afternoon of May 17, 2011, Ted Chernecki and his camera crew visited our office to interview 1st VP Kim Evans.  You can view the video below.


Temp Worker? Surge Casual? WE WANT YOU ON THE PICKET LINE!

Temp Worker? Surge Casual?


As of May 24, 2011 at midnight, both the Union and the bosses are in a legal position to take job action. The Union has been working hard at the bargaining table to secure a fair contract for all workers. In the local we have been working hard to make sure everything needed in the event of a strike or lockout is in place.

You have probably seen picket lists on the Union’s bulletin boards indicating shift times and locations. If you are a Temp or Surge Casual, and don’t see you name on any of the lists in your work area, please call the Union Hall at 604-685-6581. We will place you on a list and ensure that you receive strike pay.

CUPW draws its strength from all of the membership. Temps and Casuals are a big part of that strength!! We want you to join us on the Picket Line, and show the bosses that we are united against their rollbacks!

In Solidarity,

Frances Maher/Louise Sloan/Aaron Spires
Vancouver Local Strike Coordinators

