94.5% Strike Vote: Largest Turnout – Strongest Mandate

By a vote of 94.5% CUPW members have overwhelmingly provided the union with a mandate to undertake strike action if this is necessary to obtain a collective agreement which meets the needs of postal workers. Membership participation in the secret ballot vote was the highest in the union’s history. Never in history have so many CUPW members voted in favour of providing the union with a strike mandate.

With this vote postal workers are sending Deepak Chopra and the rest of Canada Post management a clear message. “Start negotiating now!”

We demand respect in the workplace.

We demand equality.

We demand our share of the benefits of new technology.

We demand improved services to the public.

Our Objective: A Negotiated Agreement

Our objective is to negotiate a collective agreement which will meet the needs of postal workers. Although we are currently far apart at the bargaining table there is still ample time to negotiate a collective agreement. That is the objective of the union and the CUPW Negotiating Committee will continue to work tirelessly to achieve a settlement.

Together, we will win!

The struggle continues.

Denis Lemelin
National President and Chief Negotiator

Archived Negotiation Links



CUPW Global Offer – May 22, 2011

CUPW to Submit Global Offer

Some of the Major Issues in Dispute

Negotiations Continue: Differences Remain

New Global Offer From CPC

Discussions Continue on Major Issues

Conciliation Ends – Mediation Begins

We want Canada Post to start negotiating

Negotiations: Small movement at the Table

On the May 11th Day of Action, let’s say it loud and clear: “We are ready!”

CUPW Busy at the Bargaining Table

Sky-high strike vote puts the pressure on postal negotiations

94.5% Strike Vote: Largest Turnout – Strongest Mandate

Video Blog – April 15, 2011

C.A.W. in Support

V.D.L.C. in Support

S.D.L.C. in Support

Election 2011: Privatization & Deregulation

Earth Day – April 22

Election 2011: Post Office Jobs & Service

Independant Jewish Voices in Support

CTI Becomes CSI (Corporate Strike Incentive) Just in Time

It’s Time CPC Really Appreciates Employees

UFCW in Solidarity with CUPW

Conciliation Extended to May 3rd

CPC wants to turn back the clock

21 things management didn’t tell you about their global offer

A day of action in Ottawa

HST mail in vote during a strike?

Final Strike Vote Meetings Added

Your vote is your voice, have it heard:
Strike Vote 2011


The labour of CUPW members has made Canada Post profitable for 15 consecutive years.  Our hard work has allowed CPC to pay the Government of Canada almost $400 million in income taxes and over $350 million in dividends over the last 10 years.

In spite of this financial success, CPC has submitted a global offer that is totally unacceptable and does not even provide a valid basis for discussion.  Now is the time to send them a clear message.

Plan on attending one of the following meetings, and cast your vote to give our negotiators the mandate to call a strike when necessary.

The doors will be tiled (locked) 15 minutes after the start of each meeting!

Date Location Times
April 17

The Banquet Hall
(Next door to the Union Hall)

14:30 & 17:00


At these meetings all CPC employees in the CUPW Urban Bargaining Unit (Vancouver Local) will receive the latest update on developments at the bargaining table and vote by secret ballot on the following resolution: Continue reading “Final Strike Vote Meetings Added”

Conciliation Extended to May 3rd

Conciliation Extended to May 3rd

As you know, a federal election will take place on May 2nd, 2011.  During federal elections, the law allows the government to prevent the exercise of the right to strike or lockout.  This is provided for under the Canada Labour Code.  Article 90 of the Code states the following:

“Where a strike or lockout not prohibited by this Part occurs or may occur during the time commencing on the date of a dissolution of Parliament and ending on the date fixed for the return of the writs at the next following general election and, in the opinion of the Governor in Council, adversely affects or would adversely affect the national interest, the Governor in Council may during that time make an order deferring the strike or lockout during the period commencing on the day the order is made and ending on the twenty-first day following the date fixed for the return of the writs.”

This means that the Conservative government, from now until May 23, when the writs will be returned, could directly intervene in our negotiations, whenever it wishes to do so: tomorrow, next week, or even just before the beginning of a strike.  No one wants to end up in that situation and be at the mercy of Harper’s government.  We don’t trust him at all. Continue reading “Conciliation Extended to May 3rd”

MSC Vacation Relief and Other Relief to Remain As Is.

MSC Vacation Relief & Other Relief to Remain As Is.

The Vancouver local canvassed the Mail Service Courier (MSC) relief component to see if there was any interest in combining the Vacation Relief (VR) and Other Relief (OR) positions.

Ballots with a self addressed return envelope were mailed out early in February 2011 to be returned to the hall no later than the deadline of March 15, 2011.

58% Vote for Status Quo

The results are in with 58% voting to retain both VR and OR positions.

Strike Vote Meetings Scheduled!

Your vote is your voice, have it heard:
Strike Vote 2011


The labour of CUPW members has made Canada Post profitable for 15 consecutive years.  Our hard work has allowed CPC to pay the Government of Canada almost $400 million in income taxes and over $350 million in dividends over the last 10 years.

In spite of this financial success, CPC has submitted a global offer that is totally unacceptable and does not even provide a valid basis for discussion.  Now is the time to send them a clear message.

Plan on attending one of the following meetings, and cast your vote to give our negotiators the mandate to call a strike when necessary.

The doors will be tiled (locked) 15 minutes after the start of each meeting!

Date Location Times
April 4 Abercorn Inn,
Richmond (map)
08:15, 12:15, 14:15 & 16:15
April 6

Firefighter’s Hall,
Burnaby (map)


At these meetings all CPC employees in the CUPW Urban Bargaining Unit (Vancouver Local) will receive the latest update on developments at the bargaining table and vote by secret ballot on the following resolution:

Recommendation of the National Executive Board :

WHEREAS after over five months of negotiations there are many major issues in dispute;

WHEREAS there is a need to negotiate improvements in areas such as wages, benefits, pensions, rights of temporary employees, health and safety and full-time job opportunities;

WHEREAS the employer’s demands do not meet our needs and contain unacceptable rollbacks concerning sick leave, working conditions, seniority, letter carrier workload, wages, benefits, retiree benefits, and hours of work, pensions and benefits for new employees;

WHEREAS in order to assist the National Negotiating Committee to negotiate a collective agreement that meets the needs of CUPW members it is necessary to have a strong strike mandate;

Therefore be it resolved that the National Executive Board unanimously recommends you vote Yes to authorize the National Executive Board to call strike activities if necessary to achieve our demands, stop the employer’s rollbacks and improve the service to the public.

Your vote counts!  We need to tell Canada Post that we care about the future of postal service.  We want a collective agreement that upholds the principles of equality, respect and a share of the benefits of modernization.
