The Workers Struggle With the Modern Post

Members of the CUPW Vancouver Local:

Contract negotiations between Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers began on November 10, 2010. CUPW will update you on the status of the negotiations as information becomes available.

As news of the implementation of the Modern Post in Winnipeg quickly spreads to CUPW members across the country, thanks to the blog, “The Workers Struggle With the Modern Post,”

we begin to understand why Canada Post has a vested interest in forcing a contract upon us that allows them to easily implement their model of Postal Transformation, which maximizes the potential for profit while blatantly ignoring the physical and emotional health, safety, and well-being of its employees.

Continue reading “The Workers Struggle With the Modern Post”

We’re moving!

We’re moving!

After more than 2 decades at our Yaletown location, the Vancouver Local of CUPW is moving to North Burnaby.

Effective November 22, 2010, our new address will be:

4530 Dawson Street
Burnaby, BC
V5C 4C1

(the phone number will remain the same)

The November General Membership Meeting will be held at the new location on November 28, 2010, 1:00 pm. Come join us for the meeting and check out the new office while you are there!


VMPP Schedule Consultations: Update #1

VMPP Schedule Consultations: Update #1

On Wednesday, November 3rd, CUPW met for the first of a series of consultations to discuss management’s proposals for new schedules for 2011. In upcoming bulletins we will go into more detail on the information we received. In this bulletin, we will just go over some of the major changes that management intends to make. And, just a reminder: although management has to consult with CUPW, they can do what they want, even if we disagree. “We consulted with your union” does NOT mean that CUPW agreed with their plans.

Continue reading “VMPP Schedule Consultations: Update #1”

National bulletin #5: A Full Frontal Assault On Our Rights

A Full Frontal Assault On Our Rights

Well, the cat’s out of the bag!  The employer has given us its position and discussions are beginning.  This information is far from concrete; it’s a kind of broad propaganda designed to test opinion.  However, there’s enough for us to realize that the employer’s approach in this round of bargaining is a full frontal attack on our rights.  We have to say no to this approach.

Continue reading “National bulletin #5: A Full Frontal Assault On Our Rights”

Urban Negotiations Begin: Parties Present Demands


altUrban Negotiations Begin: Parties Present Demands

On October 21, 2010, negotiations for the Urban Operations Bargaining Unit began in Ottawa.  At the first meeting, both sides made presentations concerning their demands and outlined the objectives that they hope to achieve.  Both sides said they hoped for a negotiated settlement without the need for a strike or lockout.  The similarities ended there. Continue reading “Urban Negotiations Begin: Parties Present Demands”