Canada Post’s Malicious Schemes Exposed! CUPW Awarded $31,500.00 in Punitive and Preventative Damages!

Canada Post’s Malicious Schemes Exposed! CUPW Awarded $31,500.00 in Compensatory and Punitive Damages!

In a landmark national policy arbitration ruling, Arbitrator Guy Dulude has ordered Canada Post to pay $31,500.00 in punitive damages to the Union and several of its officers as a result of its illegal actions both during and after two Regional Forums that were held in Vancouver and Richmond on June 25 and 26, 2009.

Canada Post’s illegal actions included the employment of goon tactics to physically prevent full-time CUPW officers from attending the forum held at the Richmond Delivery Center on June 26, 2009, despite their legal right to be there, and a “ban” subsequently imposed on a full-time CUPW Regional Officer.

In his ruling, Arbitrator Dulude found that Canada Post deliberately violated Section 94 of the Canada Labour Code as well as various provisions of the Collective Agreement and awarded compensatory and punitive damages in order to deter Canada Post from engaging in similar illegal conduct in the future. Continue reading “Canada Post’s Malicious Schemes Exposed! CUPW Awarded $31,500.00 in Punitive and Preventative Damages!”



Ratification of Program of Demands
September 21st to 23rd, 2010

The CUPW PERSPECTIVE containing the Union’s program of demands is now being distributed to members. Read it to find out what is intended to be brought to the table when CUPW begin the renegotiation of our Collective Agreement beginning in October.

The National Executive Board of CUPW requires a mandate from the membership prior to submitting this program of demands to Canada Post management.

Below is the schedule of meetings where each Member in Good Standing may vote on the demands package.

It is important to show your support for our negotiations. Your future is at stake. Be sure to come out and vote at one of the ratification meetings.

The complete schedule for the ratification vote:
September 21, 2010

Vancouver Public Library
350 W. Georgia
Alice MacKay Room

08:30, 13:00, & 16:15
September 21, 2010 Firefighters Hall
6515 Bonsor, Burnaby
(East of Metrotown)
September 22, 2010 Abercorn Inn Best Western
9260 Bridgeport
13:30 & 16:30
September 23, 2010 Sutherland Secondary Theatre
1860 Sutherland
North Vancouver

Let’s stick together. There is much that we can gain.

In Solidarity,

Robert R. Mulvin



A list of affected locations has been posted on the Pacific Region web site.


No mail on sick days: Canada Post union

Last Updated: Friday, August 27, 2010 | 9:59 AM PT 

CBC News

Letter carriers in B.C. have filed a stack of grievances to protest Canada Post’s refusal to backfill them when they take time off work, according to their union.

Ken Mooney, regional grievance officer for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, says he has grievances from postal carriers who say their routes across B.C. were left uncovered for as many as three days.

“It has become quite apparent that Canada Post has rolled out a policy of non-delivery in locations throughout British Columbia including Vancouver, Victoria, Fraser Valley, Royal City, Terrace, Cranbrook, Trail, Quesnel, Prince Rupert, Castlegar, Coquitlam, Mission, Nanaimo, Courtenay and elsewhere,” he wrote in a letter to Canada’s management on Aug. 5.

“At each location, mail has not been delivered, grievances have been filed, and members of the public have not received the service to which they are entitled,” he wrote.

Mooney says the mail just piles up until they return. The new policy is hurting Canadians and may actually be illegal, he says.

“They are not covering the route, which is actually required by our collective agreement, but also by the service standard passed by the Conservative government in 2009,” he said.

“What it amounts to is delaying the mail, which according to the Canada Post Act is an indictable offence.”

The unions has approached management demanding to know if this is a new policy but received no response, he said.

“We’re worried this is some sort of pilot project for Canada Post that would be rolled out throughout Canada, and it would be an erosion of postal services.”

MP wants answers

Canada Post spokeswoman Colleen Frick told CBC News that mail volumes are down considerably, so hours worked are being matched to the lower volumes.

She did not comment on whether there is a new absentee policy in B.C.

New Democrat MP Alex Atamenenko said he has written to the head of Canada Post demanding answers, but is still waiting to hear back.

Atamenenko says people depend on the mail for their livelihood and suspending service is unacceptable.

“If I’m waiting for a cheque and it’s not coming because my letter carrier is sick, then it is totally unacceptable,” Atamenenko said.

A Letter from Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior


Mr. Stewart Bacon, CEO

Canada Post Corporation

2701 Riverside Drive

Ottawa, ON K1A 0B1

Dear Mr. Bacon:

It has come to my attention that Canada Post has instituted a policy in British Columbia that provides for non-delivery of mail when employees are altabsent from work. I have received reports that this change has affected the community of Castlegar. According to Mr. Ken Mooney, Regional Grievance Officer for CUPW-STTP, there have been at least 5 separate incidents of a similar nature in Cranbrook, in violation of the collective agreement, Canada Post Service Charter and the Canada Post Act.

In reference to your column to Canada Post employees entitled “Staying the Course”, you state that Canada Post is containing costs and making crucial improvements without sacrificing service. Yet, as Mr. Mooney points out to Mike Shearon, Divisional General Manager, in a letter dated August 5, 2010, the way in which this is being implemented points to a change in direction that directly opposes provisions in the collective agreement, which requires coverage of unstaffed letter carrier routes, as well as the above-mentioned service charter and the Canada Post Act.

According to Mr. Mooney, an enormous list of grievances have been filed as a result of this shift and yet, there does not appear to be an acknowledgement by Canada Post head office that this is taking place.

I am very concerned that Canada Post’s mandate for universal service will further be eroded if the new policy is rolled out throughout the rest of Canada.

Therefore, I respectfully urge you to reconsider what appears to be a change in both policy and practice to ensure that employee absences are covered by replacement staff. This way, Canadians will continue to enjoy the high quality of service from Canada Post they have received in the past.

Thank you, in advance, for your prompt attention to this serious issue.


Alex Atamanenko, MP

BC Southern Interior

C:     Ken Mooney, Regional Grievance Officer for CUPW-STTP

All B.C. MPs

Chris Charlton, NDP Critic for Canada Post

Mike Shearon – Divisional Regional Manager for Canada Post

All media




This autumn the Union will begin negotiations for our Collective Agreement which expires on January 31, 2011. Everything in the collective agreement between CUPW and CPC is on the line for renegotiation during the collective bargaining process.

Demand Formulation:

In the spring of 2010 there were a number of meetings throughout the Local where the members were asked to discuss their demands at forums. As well, meetings were held with Area Council delegates in workshop format where demands were formulated. Following these forums, the Local passed a package of demands at our April General Membership Meeting that were then sent to the Regional office of CUPW. At a Regional Conference held from June 24 to 26, 2010, representatives (delegates) from Vancouver met with representatives from across the Pacific Region to debate and pass a package of contract demands. Similar meetings were held in all of the Regions across Canada. Following these meetings, the CUPW National Office will publish a consolidated package of demands. We expect this program of demands to be available for distribution by late August.