CUPW obtains Cease and Desist Order!
On December 4, 2008, Canada Post picked up where it left off in October by threatening button-wearing employees with suspensions.
Weeks earlier, CUPW members were encouraged to participate in a nationwide Union campaign by wearing buttons or affixing stickers carrying the message, Peace, joy and universal public postal service. CUPW members were encouraged to wear the buttons and stickers on December 4, 2008. The message articulated on those buttons and stickers is clearly positive and advocates for a public postal service. By most standards, the message conveyed by those buttons and stickers would not be considered derogatory or defamatory. After all, peace and joy are words that appear on most Christmas cards. Further, a recent Ipsos-Reid poll indicated that most Canadians are in favour of a universal postal service. Indeed, as a crown corporation that provides a universal public postal service, it is difficult to understand how Canada Post’s reputation could be damaged by advocating for its continued existence. Nonetheless, on December 4, 2008, Canada Post supervisors were instructed to threaten employees with discipline.