Over the past few weeks we have had several members call us about bills they have received when they have been off on a long term leave – whether on Maternity or a Leave without Pay. Continue reading “$MONEY$ Owed for Benefits”
General Membership Meetings will no longer be held at Dawson Street!
The Boiler Makers have sold the building which houses both our Local’s office and the banquet room in which we have been holding our meetings.
Continue reading “General Membership Meetings will no longer be held at Dawson Street!”
Rise Up or Fall to Ashes
For as far back as we all can recall we have lived in a world of unrestricted capitalism dominated by an elite few who speak in the cold dead language of globalization and competitive world markets. This fictional world they have created is not unlike the one created internally by Canada Post. The top tiers of Canada Post’s hierarchy feel they control everything- power, prosperity, and privilege-while our membership struggles as the working class, ruthlessly oppressed and increasingly enduring deteriorating work conditions. There is one set of rules and regulations for us: there is a complete other set of rules and regulations for the employer that functions as a corporate mafia.
BY-ELECTION Recording Secretary/By-laws Chair
Recording Secretary/By-laws Chair
Due to the resignation of Wendy Lund, the above position is now open for election.
Continue reading “BY-ELECTION Recording Secretary/By-laws Chair”
Postal Transformation (PT), MSCs, & the New Plant
In Winnipeg, the MSCs lost approximately 67% of FT positions and 95% of FT dayshift positions, as MSC work was converted to motorized letter carrier. Only one loop remains from their hub, in the city core. Prior to PT, 14 loops covered the entire city. MSCs faced the highest job cuts, and in Vancouver we can expect something along the same lines.
Continue reading “Postal Transformation (PT), MSCs, & the New Plant”
Your help is needed now on Bill C-377.
The Harper government has rammed through Bill C-377. This bill would place excessively onerous financial reporting requirements on unions. The Canadian Bar Association says that the bill would invade the personal privacy of individual Canadians and is likely unconstitutional. Canada’s federal Privacy Commissioner also said that the bill would invade personal privacy and overreaches in its intent. Despite this, C-377 is now being considered for final passage at the Senate of Canada. It is being reported that even Conservative senators are having doubts about this bill. It is not too late to take action. It will only take a few minutes of your time email your senators. Click “read more” to find out how.
Metro Vancouver Wickets
The union has now concluded its consultation with the employer regarding changes made to the management structure of the retail sections of Canada Post as it affects wicket installations in the Lower Mainland West of Aldergrove and Coquitlam.
The full office bidding for the newly designated post office started on June 17, 2013. The new combined post office is based in Surrey Main for the purpose of adhering to the forty (40) km rule. Originally wickets were designated as three stand alone offices in 2009, the employer has now decided to combine all three. This was done without agreement of the union.