
Today, May 14, 2013, is election day in British Columbia. CUPW Vancouver urges all members who are eligible to get out and vote!

The BC Elections Act states:

  • “an employee who is entitled to vote in an election or who, on registration, will be entitled to vote in the election is entitled to have 4 consecutive hours free from employment during voting hours for general voting.”
  • if an individual’s hours of employment do not allow for the consecutive hours referred to in subsection (1), the individual’s employer must allow the individual time off from employment to provide those hours.” 
  • an employer must not make a deduction in pay for the time off or exact any penalty from the employee for the time off.”

Voting will take place from 8 AM to 8 PM. You are entitled to four consecutive hours to vote.

Have your voice heard, VOTE!

Barcodes on Unaddressed Admail Project

Barcodes on Unaddressed Admail Project

On May 3 the employer held a meeting with the Regional CUPW and some locals in which they informed us that they would be rolling out their latest program which is implementing Barcodes for Unaddressed Admail.

As usual, this initiative was conducted without any input whatsoever from workers at Canada Post. Instead it was rolled out by the “Service and Quality” department of Canada Post.

Nationally, CUPW was informed on April 8, 2013, of this project and the fact that it was to be rolled out across the country starting in early May.

Continue reading “Barcodes on Unaddressed Admail Project”

The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)


The International Day
Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)

The first “National Day Against Homophobia” in Canada was on June 4, 2003 and was organized by Fondation Émergence in Quebec. The date was later changed to May 17th, to commemorate the day “homosexuality” was removed from the World Health Organization’s classification of diseases, in 1990.

Continue reading “The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)”

Day of Mourning 2013

NOTE: Because April 28 falls on a Sunday this year, we asked Canada Post to lower all flags at half-mast and observe a minute of silence in all postal facilities and on every shift on Monday the 29th

Modern Post: Update – April 22, 2013

Modern Post Update

The first national consultation with Canada Post since they issued the notices regarding Vancouver’s postal transformation (PT) was held on April 18th. There will be a series of national and local consultations scheduled with Canada Post management over the coming months to work on our concerns over the PT roll-out that will be starting to come online in February/March 2014.

A number of questions were put to the Corporation that they have indicated will be responded to in the future. They have stated that they do not possess key information yet, such as which depots will be moving into the two new buildings they purchased recently. Some of the details that were provided and concerns that we have raised are listed below. Continue reading “Modern Post: Update – April 22, 2013”

Canada Post Provides Some Details about New Vancouver Plant

Canada Post Provides Some Details about New Vancouver Plant


There has been a great deal of concern expressed by our members regarding the recent news from Canada Post about the new Postal Transformation (PT) plant at the Richmond airport. The Pacific Processing Centre (PPC) is slated to open in February 2014 with the Vancouver Parcel Delivery Centre (VPDC) moving in first, followed by the Vancouver Mail Processing Plant (VMPP) in March 2014.

The Corporation served the Union with an official notice on April 9th regarding the new plant. This notice details some of Canada Post’s plans for the new facility along with its projections for significant Group 1 staffing reductions. There has not been any consultation on this notice as yet; the first meeting is scheduled for April 18th. We will provide you with updates as they become available.

Please see the CUPW Pacific Region’s bulletin dated April 15, 2013 for more specific details about this notice; it has been distributed to Vancouver Local bulletin boards and Shop Stewards. The most current information can also be found here on the Vancouver Local website.

Continue reading “Canada Post Provides Some Details about New Vancouver Plant”