RETIREMENT: “the decision is entirely yours to make”

RETIREMENT: “the decision is entirely yours to make”

Canada Post has mailed a document to postal workers who are at or approaching 60 years of age. After congratulating the recipient for achieving (fill in the blank) years of service the letter goes on to offer some information hoping to entice the reader into retirement.

Some of the information is incomplete and could be misleading:

Continue reading “RETIREMENT: “the decision is entirely yours to make””

BY-ELECTION RESULTS – January 27, 2013


Elected at the January 27, 2013 General Membership Meeting were:

Pat Bertrand
1st Vice President
Gregory Corbin
Chief Shop Steward VMPP # 3 Shift

The by-election for the executive position of Recording Secretary/By-Laws Chair ended in a tie. The floor was asked and decided to re-post the by-election at the February General Membership Meeting.

In Solidarity,

Andy Henderson

Secretary Treasurer

2013 Plant Gate Election Results


Louise Sloan – Organization Director/Tyler

In addition, the following members have been elected as Shop Stewards for a 2 (two) year term:


Laurie Kerr


Lorraine Plouffe


John Moss
Thomas Saah
Erik Traulsen
Chris Zukowsky


Susan Bakajic
Pat Bertrand
John Coumbos
Alan Dobbs
Doug Eberhardt
Bruce Moore


Anthony Dietz
Alyssia Dryer
Luc Julien
Rebekah Mahar


Janet Askin
Ben Besler
Lesley Feeney
Brad Hudson
Donna MacIntosh
Jerzy Motyka
Jeff Peterson
Pema Rongae


Seema Jodha


Dennis Ocol
Tony Phunel


Helene De Guzman
Wayne Hackworth


Peter Amponsah
Micki McCune
Harvey Ripley


Ken Doyle
Jeannette McConnell
Robert Mulvin


Yung Hsi
Patricia Lucas
Jignesh Parekh
Rajbeer Sangha.

DEP 74

Donna Cho
Gary Drees
Lauri Preston
Jennifer Savage
Marsha Walsh

Congratulations to all those elected and thank you to everyone who was willing to offer themselves to a position.

Thanks also to everyone who helped with this election. Without the hard work of the Balloting Committee Chair, Co-Chair, Committee members, volunteers from both our active and retired members this election would not have been possible. On behalf of the Vancouver Local, thank you.

In Solidarity,

Andy Henderson

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Peter Amponsah
Micki McCune
Harvey Ripley

Workers Compensation (WCB) Payments and Income Tax 2013

Workers Compensation (WCB) Payments and Income Tax 2013

The following information is general in nature only. The Union Hall does not provide income tax advice. See a tax accountant or call the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for information about your individual tax situation. Having said that, the Hall can provide the following assistance: Continue reading “Workers Compensation (WCB) Payments and Income Tax 2013”