2025 Shop Stewards

2025 Shop Stewards Master list Vancouver Local

PPC #1 PPC #2 PPC #3 PIF:
Wesley Azzuolo John Tweed (H/S Director) Lee-Ann Padden Nikki Gill
Naseer Ahmed Farukhzad Alvan Wu Daljit Singh Christina MacLennan
Abhishek Bhalla Wendy Khanna Marion Jimenez Parmjit Singh
Perry Kumar Maureen Chen Edward Wan TECH SERVICES
Hardeep Kaur Bumrah Ron Verheul Susana Wu Jose Emmanuel Frilles (PPC)
Adrian Chow Rufo Gonzales Ana Marie Dela Rosa Bryan Schuck (PPC) (3rd VP)
Maninder Pal Bumrah Melanie Cuenca Rashmi Chhabra Parvinder Sidhu (PPC)
Adesh Munjal Karanjit Singh Sandhu Mandeep Kaler GLEN DRIVE
Arvind Parmar Malvinder Singh Bindra Grace Tarce Eric Taylor
Gunter Maibaum Pawitra Karki Helen De Guzman (ESS) Ron Troche
Pradeep Dhillon Yogesh Sharma Angelo Alcantara Raj Deo (ESS)
Navneet Singh Dhillon Valerie Barone Yung Hsi NBDC
Andrew Gonzaga Gargi Dutta Andrew Pagtakhan Doug Kellam
Arundhathi Ankireddy Surinder Jaswal Rolando Sarmiento Kevin Biggs (LST)
Zoe McGowan Neerja Bhatara (Rec-Sec) Emmanuel Villamejor Martin Kosik (ESS)
Trevor Krysak Antoinette Bernabe Raylene Marshall (2nd VP) Nic Ninic
Condwiramurs McGowan Robyn Mann Billy Ng SVDC:
Zenaida Garcia (ESS) Amber Chatrath Parvinder Sanghera Meagan Bailey
Paramjit Singh Saroj Didi Varinderjit Srow Scotty Goleniec
Maria Tee LCD 1 & 2 Salome Yusi Joevani Ramos
Edmond Pon Ryan Flowers STATION F: Alex Pensato
Charalambos Charalambous Erin Lofting Kat Poch CDC:
RDC: Jeanette McConnell Ayrton Bundrock Alex Bernstein
Lauri Kerr Maria Jackman Danielle Doucette Ines Ruberio
Solle Ishi Stacey Assam NVDD: Jerry Ocol
Deanna Ho STATION G:    
Nick Gibbons Lisa Quattrocchi (ESS)   NFDC:
John Parnell     Inderjit Gill
      Jamie McCurrach


The following position did not have a candidate successful in accordance with our Bylaws and will require a run-off election.
The leading two (2) candidates are as follows

             ***** Education Director: *****
                            Adrian Chow
                           Edward Wan

Schedule for the elections is already posted.

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President             lb/CUPE-3338


At Next GMM April 24th


  1. A) Shall be an elected officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.
  2. B) Shall maintain the membership attendance book for Executive Committee, General Membership and Special Meetings.
  3. C) Shall maintain a monthly listing of members eligible to run for office in the Local, as set out in Article 9.
  4. D) Shall check membership credentials at all General Membership and Special Meetings.
  5. E) Shall maintain order at meetings as requested from the Chair.
  6. F) Shall audit attendance at meetings to see that a quorum is maintained.
  7. G) Shall chair the Organization Committee.
  8. H) Shall assist the Local Secretary-Treasurer as required. 9.7 BY-ELECTIONS:


  1. If a vacancy occurs a notice shall be posted immediately.
  2. Nominations and acceptances in writing shall be received up to and including the day of election.
  3. The notice of vacancy and call for nominations must be posted for a minimum of 20 days before an election can be held.
  4. An election to cover the interim period of time until the next Annual Election shall take place at the next General Membership Meeting subject to 9.7 A (3) and shall be voted on by all members in attendance at the meeting.
  5. An election to cover the remainder of the term of office shall take place as part of the next Annual Elections, if applicable.

** Note: You must be a member in good standing to vote.**

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President                                                 lb/CUPE-3338

2025 Shop Stewards list

The following Shop Stewards have been elected to a Two (2) year term.

Wesley Azzuolo John Tweed Lee-Ann Padden Michael Seney
Naseer Ahmed Farukzad Alvin Wu Daljit Singh Jesus Ron
Abhishek Bhalla Wendy Khanna Marion Jimenez Surinder Kumar (ESS)
Perry Kumar Maureen Chen Edward Wan TECH SERVICES
Hardeep Kaur Bumrah Ron Verheul Susana Wu Jose Emmanual Frilles (PPC)
Adrian Chow Rufo Gonzalez Ana Marie Dela Rosa Bryan Schuck (PPC) 3rd VP
Maninder Pal Bumrah Melanie Cuenca Rashmi Chhabra Parvinder Sidhu (PPC)
Adesh Munjal Karanjit Singh Sandhu Mandeep Kaler GLEN DRIVE
Arvind Parmar Malvinder Singh Bindra Grace Tarce Eric Taylor
Gunter Maibaum Pawitra Karki Angelo Alcantara
Navneet Singh Dhillon Yogesh Sharma Yung Hsi
Andrew Gonzaga Valerie Barone Andrew Pagtakhan
Zoe McGowan Gargi Dutta Roalndo Sarmiento  
Condwiramurs McGowan Surninder Jaswal Emmanuel Villamejor
Zenaida Garcia (ESS)  
Charalambos Charalambous
Lauri Kerr Ryan Flowers Kevin Biggs (Sec-Treas) Meagan Bailey
Solle Ishi Erin Lofting Martin Kosik (ESS) Scotty Golienec
Deanna Ho Nic Ninic Joevani Ramos
Nick Gibbons  
John Parnell
Lisa Quattrocchi (ESS) Kat Poch Inderjit Gill
Ayrton Bundrock Jamie McCurach


April 4th (Friday) Advance Poll (Union Hall)  7:30 AM 5:00 PM
April 6th (Sunday) Pacific Processing Centre (PPC)        5:00 AM 8:30 PM
April 7th (Monday) Station G 7:00 AM 9:30 AM
    Pacific Center      10:15 AM 10:30 AM
    Royal & Bentall Centers 10:45 AM 11:30 AM
    Wickets & Main Office Boxes 11:45 AM   12:30 PM
    Glen Drive 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
    Station D (Retail) 2:30 PM 2:45 PM
April 8th (Tuesday) Pacific International Facility (PIF)        9:00 PM 10:15 PM
April 8th (Tuesday) LCD 1 & 2 7:30 AM 3:00 PM
    Station F


7:30 AM

7:30 AM

11:30 AM

12:45 PM

    CDC 7:30AM 1:30 PM
    NVDC (Harbour) 7:30 AM 1:30 PM
    West Van Retail 11:30 AM 12:00 PM
April 8th (Tuesday) PPC & MSCs Starts 11:15 PM Wednesday April 9th
    Ends   01:00 AM Thursday April 10th
April 9th (Wednesday) SVDC 7:30 AM 2:30 PM
    RDC 7:30 AM 11:45 AM
    Richmond Retail 12:00 PM 12:30 PM
April 10th (Thursday) North Fraser Delivery Depot 7:30 AM 12:00 PM
    BBY 3 7:30 AM   11:00 AM
April 11th (Friday) Post Poll (Union Hall) 7:30 AM 12:00 PM




Tony Phunal

Balloting Chair

Alvin Wu

Balloting Co-Chair




2025 Election Results

Anju Parmar has been  re- elected as President.

Raylene Marshall has been re- elected as 2nd Vice President.

Runoff Election dates for the Education Director will be announced soon by the balloting committee.

Shop Steward election Results will be announced  at the end of the week.

In Solidarity,

Joseph Henderson McCance, 1st Vice President


March 27th THURSDAY

The Pink Shirt campaign, was designed to promote kindness, compassion, and a commitment to creating workplaces and communities free from bullying. It serves as a reminder that everyone deserves to feel safe, supported, and heard.

In light of recent concerns raised by our Shift 3 members about some of the behaviors being exhibited by certain team leaders, March 27, 2025 the pink shirt holds more significance. By wearing a pink shirt, we are collectively standing up and sending a clear message: Bullying and harassment have no place in our workplace.

We ask that you join us in wearing pink on March 27th to show your support for a bullying-free environment where respect and kindness reign. It’s a simple, yet powerful way for us to come together and remind the employer that our workplace should always be one where everyone feels valued and heard.

Thank you for your ongoing support – let’s make this day count and keep working together for a better workplace for all.

Let’s all come together and wear Pink shirt to start with small gestures of kindness.

“Let the Kindness Grow”

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President

on behalf of Helen De Guzman, Executive Steward Shift 3
