Transgender Day of Visibility – March 31st

Every year, on March 31, we celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility, a day where transgender people from all walks of life can proudly speak up and share their contributions to society, as well as raise awareness to the struggles we face. It is a day to be proud of who we are, and to celebrate our achievements, accomplishments and legislative gains.

This past year has been difficult for many in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community as we have all seen the rise of anti-transgender legislation in Canada and abroad, as well as the rise in anti-transgender hate speech and political rhetoric. Last year’s demonstrations around so-called “parent’s rights” and counter-demonstrations by those who support transgender youth brought these issues to the forefront of the public eye. The very existence of transgender youth has become polarized for political gain, and it hits hard for many transgender adults because many of us knew who we were on the inside from a young age. Many of us grew up knowing that how we felt on the inside did not match who society expected us to be on the outside, at a time where the information was not widely available and supportive resources didn’t exist yet. The fact that there are now resources available and greater education around trans and non-binary identities is a massive leap in acceptance and understanding of transgender people, especially youth at a crossroads in their lives. To see it intentionally withheld in the name of “protecting children” is a step back that will have transgender youth that are afraid to come out to continue struggle in silence.

read more here

Spring Education Seminars – May 2 -5, 2024 – Harrison Hot Springs.

The Spring education seminars for the Pacific Region will be held at Harrison Hot Springs Resort. The courses will run from Thursday, May 2 – 5, 2024. The following courses are being offered:

Basic Shop Steward

This course aims to provide new Stewards with basic training, knowledge, and confidence. Topics include the different roles of the Steward, how to investigate and file a grievance, communication skills, Shop Steward rights, the Steward as Organizer/Mobilizer, and key provisions of the RSMC and Urban Collective Agreements. *Note this course is for new Stewards  

Strike Prep

This course is aimed at mobilizing the membership during the rounds of negotiation as well as preparing for and conducting a strike. Many CUPW members have never been on strike. The last round of bargaining in 2018 has seen us utilize the strategy of rotating strikes before being unjustly force back to work by a prejudicial legislation made by the liberal government. There is a lot to be learned from previous strikes while also being aware of present circumstances. The course objectives are:

 To have a general understanding of the strike process

 To build support for the negotiating committee

 To develop communication strategies for mobilization and involvement of the membership

 To develop ways to involve the community and allies.

 To prepare for the administration and execution of local strike activity

*Note this course is for a member of the Local Executive Committee or the appointed Strike Coordinator. 

read more here

North Shore Solidarity!

On the morning of Monday, February 26th, just as the SSD restructure was commencing at the North Vancouver Delivery Depot (Harbour), workers at the Capilano Delivery Centre gathered outside their depot to make our message clear to the corporation: SSD is not a working condition we are willing to accept! This was a grassroots solidarity demonstration organized by and for the workers, highlighting the fact that Canada Post has not and never has had any real intention of implementing the Deerfoot Model anywhere else in the country since plowing ahead with SSD restructures nationwide.

Thank you to all the workers at Capilano Delivery Centre for standing against SSD!

In Solidarity,

Jamie McCurrach, 1st Vice President




March 8 (Friday) Advance Poll (Union Hall)  7:30 AM 5:00 PM
March 10(Sunday) Pacific Processing Centre (PPC)        5:00 AM 8:30 PM
March 11 (Monday) Station G 7:00 AM 9:30 AM
Pacific Center      10:15 AM 10:30 AM
Royal & Bentall Centers 10:45 AM 11:30 AM
Wickets & Main Office Boxes 11:45 AM 12:30 PM
Glen Drive 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
Station D (Retail) 2:30 PM 2:45 PM
March 12 (Tuesday) Pacific International Facility (PIF)        9:00 PM 10:15 PM
March 12 (Tuesday) LCD 1 & 2 7:30 AM 3:00 PM
Station F


7:30 AM

7:30 AM

11:30 AM

12:45 PM

CDC 7:30AM 1:30 PM
NVDC (Harbour) 7:30 AM 1:30 PM
West Van Retail 11:30 AM 12:00 PM
March 12 (Tuesday) PPC & MSCs Starts 11:15 PM Tuesday, March 12
Ends   `1:00 AM Thursday, March 14
March 13 (Wednesday) SVDC 7:30 AM 2:30 PM
RDC 7:30 AM 11:45 AM
Richmond Retail 12:00 PM 12:30 PM
March 14 (Thursday) North Fraser Delivery Depot 7:30 AM 12:00 PM
BBY 3 7:30 AM 11:00 AM
March 15 (Friday) Post Poll (Union Hall) 7:30 AM 12:00 PM
Michael Seney

Balloting Committee Chair

Nikki Gill

Balloting Committee C0-Chair


Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day Thursday, February 29

Working at Canada Post many CUPW members will suffer from a Repetitive strain injury (RSI). Repetitive Strain

injuries is described as a painful condition that affects many areas of the body. Muscles, tendons, joints and nerves in the neck, chest, shoulders, arms and hands and the back.

The nature of our Job at Canada Post requires the continuous repetition of movements that are a major contributing factor of Reparative Strain Injuries. Pushing, pulling, gripping, holding, lifting, reaching and twisting as well as awkward body postures and also fixed body positions increase the risk.

*Canadian Center for Occupational Health and safety (CCOHS)

What are the Symptoms?

  • PAIN!
  • Joint stiffness
  • Muscle tightness
  • Redness and swelling of the area
  • Numbness or pins and needles
  • Skin colour changes and decreased sweating of the hands

read more here

2024 Annual Elections

Nominations have now closed for the following positions on the Local.

 Executive Committee:

1st Vice President

Joseph Henderson McCance

Jamie McCurrach

Secretary Treasurer

Kevin Biggs

Enrique Silvano

Health & Safety Director

Adrian Chow

Robyn Mann

John Tweed

Executive Shop Steward Internal PPC/Wickets Shift 2

Neerja Bhatara

Sukhwinder (Tony) Phunal

                                                      Nominated and Acclaimed

                                                              Part Time Officers:

3rd Vice President

Bryan Schuck

Table officers:

Education Director

Michael Seney

Organizing Director

Kat Poch

Executive Shop Steward Internal PPC/PIFF/Wickets Shift 3

Helen De Guzman

Executive Shop Steward External LC (2 positions)

Martin Kosik

Lisa Quattrocchi

 Executive Shop Steward External MSC

Surinder Kumar

The schedule for the 2024 annual election will be presented in a future bulletin. Congratulations to those acclaimed to a position and good luck to those nominated.

In Solidarity, 

Anju Parmar, President