Saturday February 3rd 1330hrs
Zoom Video/Phone Conference

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Registration will close at 1330hrs on Friday February 2nd.

If you are a member of the Health and Safety committee or just interested in sharing concerns about your work floor or have ideas to share, please join us via Zoom Or If you have any specific agenda items to discuss at the committee meeting, please send it via email @ [email protected]  or [email protected]

In Solidarity,

John Tweed                                            Raylene Marshall

Health & Safety Director                 2nd Vice President

Sign Language Interpreters has been confirmed

Separate Sort from Delivery – What is it and why is it BAD NEWS

In order to fully understand the threat to our working lives posed by Separate Sort from Delivery (SSD), we need to understand what it is and how it poses new risks and strains to Letter Carriers. Currently, a Letter Carrier sorts and prepares their own mail, then they go out and deliver it. Under the SSD system, a “Router” will spend all day inside and sort the mail for several other routes, while Letter Carriers spend more time outside and less time inside. You can see a basic visual representation of this below:

The longer a Letter Carrier spends outside, the further they walk. Additionally, they are exposed to extreme weather events such as heat waves, freezing temperatures and forest fire smoke for longer. This all has a serious impact on the health of Letter Carriers, and this is all structured on an “average volume” day. The longer a route is, the harder it is to complete on heavy volume days such as when property taxes or vacant home assessments go out to every address on the route.

From Canada Post’s own testimony during the National SSD Grievance:

“With the help of a document filed as Exhibit E‐3, Mr. Lefler stated, using the North Fraser depot as an example, that letter carriers have been working just as much since the implementation of the SSD project, the difference being that they work 35 minutes less indoors and 35 minutes more outdoors, while the number of routes has remained the same.” (Emphasis Added)

That was in 2019, then North Fraser had another restructure in 2022 that made the routes even longer!

One of the other major issues with SSD is that when the sortation is taken away from letter carriers and given to the routers, the time values used to calculate a fair 8-hour work day are erased. Someone in Ottawa manually deletes the information taken from the volume count, and the Union gets a report with zeroed out information. Routers work is no longer measured by time value, and when they are done their sorting duties, they are assigned additional work at-will by the supervisor, and can even be assigned delivery despite being “inside” workers.

SSD is taking away the fair and balanced system of time values, and taking us back 60 years of collective progress. The Corporation continues to push this system on us without National consultation, a violation of Article 38.02 and a slap in the face to every carrier across the country.


In Solidarity,

Jamie McCurrach, 1sr Vice President.


Spring Education Courses

Basic Shop Steward – February 8th,9th and 10th

Thursday, Friday and Saturday (8 am to 4pm)

Basic Shop Steward course is 3-day course for Vancouver Local Members who are either interested in becoming Shop Stewards or want to learn more about their rights under the Collective Agreement. You will learn interview skills, facing management effectively, how to file a grievance and much more about the roles and tasks of a shop steward. This course is required prior to being elected as a Shop Steward. You MUST have attended at least one (1) General Membership Meeting in the past twelve (12) months, and be a member in good standing prior to the course application deadline.

Bar Charts – February 9th

(Friday, 8 am to 4 pm)

Bar Charts are used by Group 2 to determine the number of reliefs needed to cover the average number of absences. You’ll learn about how to count absences, spot errors, and how the formulas are used to calculate the relief compliment. You MUST have attended at least one (1) General Membership Meeting in the past twelve (12) months, and be a member in good standing prior to the course application deadline.

038 Edit Book Course – February 10th

(Saturday, 8 am to 4 pm)

Your edit book is the key to ensuring that your route is properly valued and that you are paid for all over-assessed activities in accordance with Appendix V of the Collective Agreement. You’ll learn about when Natural Walk Pattern does and does not apply, the difference between variable and non-variable time values, how to have your route properly measured and much, much more. This course is especially important for any depot facing an SSD restructure as the best way to preserve jobs is to preserve time values.

You do not need to have attended a General Membership Meeting to apply for this course. Priority will be given to Letter Carriers. There will be no lost wages paid as this course is held on a Saturday.

Please fill out the Vancouver Local Education application form legibly and in full. Must include your work location, shift, and days off. Partially completed or illegible applications will not be accepted.  WE DO NOT ACCEPT APPLICATIONS BY E-MAIL.

*These courses will be held in person*

Application Deadline: Thursday February 1st at Noon

Applications can be accepted by mail: CUPW Vancouver Local 109- 4238 Lozells Ave, Burnaby V5A 0C4, by fax (604)-685-4931, or, in person at the Union Office

In Solidarity,


Michael Seney

Education Director



General Membership Meeting

Saturday January 27th at 10am

The meeting will be held in person at:


361 Howard Ave, Burnaby

(corner of Howard and Hastings)


  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of new members
  4. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  5. Business arising out of the minutes
  6. Financials
  7. New Business
  8. Nominations and elections:
  1. External Executive Steward
  2. MSC Route Evaluation (1)
  3. Trustees (1)
  4. Conflict Resolution (1) Alternates (2)
  5. VDLC (1) Alternates (3)
  6. Regional delegates (14) Alternates (10)

9.Executive Committee Motions

10.Unfinished business


12.Executive and Committee Reports

13.Good and Welfare


***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President 

read here

Annual Election Notice

Application Deadline: Thursday, February 15th at Noon.

Nominations are now open for the following positions on the Local Executive Committee:

Full-Time Officers

1st Vice President

3rd Vice President

Secretary Treasurer

Table Officers

Education Director

Organizing Director

Health and Safety Director

*Executive Shop Stewards*

*Executive stewards must be nominated by a member of their own shift or work area in accordance with 5.1B of the Local By-laws*

PPC/PIF Internal #2 Shift/ Wickets/Group 1

PPC/PIF Internal #3 Shift/ Wickets/Group 1

Group 2 External MSC

Group 2 External Letter Carrier (2 Positions)

read more here

Shop Steward Elections 2024

Nominations for Shop Stewards are now open. The deadline for nominations to be returned to the Union Hall is Thursday February 29, 2024 at noon.

Article 9.4(g) of the Vancouver Local By-Laws:

To be elected as a Shop Steward a nominee must have completed a Basic Shop Steward course and have attended at least 1 GMM in the 12 months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations.

Stewards who were elected in the March 2023 Steward elections do not have to run in this election because they are only one (1) year into their two (2) year term.

read more here

Drivers Abstract: Know Your Rights!

Recently, Canada Post has sent letters to Group 2 employees regarding their drivers abstract. The Corporation is requesting consent to use a third party to administer the drivers abstract review. The Corporation requires your consent to do this, it is not mandatory. Appendix GG in our collective agreement gives clear instructions as to what the requirement is:

read more here