109-4238 Lozells Ave Burnaby, V5A 0C4.
Our Office number: (604) 685-6581
Fax number: (604) 685-4931
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President
109-4238 Lozells Ave Burnaby, V5A 0C4.
Our Office number: (604) 685-6581
Fax number: (604) 685-4931
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President
This is an in-person meeting at the Union Hall, Lower Auditorium. Entrance at 1880 Triumph St.
1) By Election Chief Shop Steward External Group 2 MSC
2) MSC Route Measurement (4)
3) LCRMS (4)
4) By Laws (3)
5) Conflict Resolution Committee (2) Alternate (2)
6) VDLC (9) Alternate (3)
7) Regional Conference Delegate (1) Alternate (10)
9) Executive Committee Motions
10) Unfinished business
11) Correspondence
12) Executive and Committee Reports
13) Good and Welfare
14) Adjournment
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar President
**Sign Language Interpreters has been confirmed.
<! –more read more here–>
By Election Chief Shop Steward External Group 2 MSC
With the official election of Brother Allan Dobbs to Grievance officer of Vancouver Local 846, we have a vacancy for Chief Shop Steward External, Group 2, MSC.
The position will be offered at the October General Membership Meeting, October 27th , 2022, in a By-election. As two of the three positions are currently held by Letter Carriers, this position will be open to MSC’s who are eligible in accordance with our Local By-Laws.
5.1 The Local Executive Committee shall consist of Table Officers—ten (10), and Chief Stewards—seven
A The Table Officers shall consist of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Grievance Officer, Education Director, Health and Safety Director, Recording Secretary/By-laws Chair, and Organization Director/Tyler.
B Chief Stewards shall come from the following areas:
1 PPC Day Shift/Wickets/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
2 PPC Afternoon Shift/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
3 PPC Midnight Shift/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
4 Outside Function (three representatives at least one of which will come from each outside function, L.C. and M.S.C. However, in the event that a position remains vacant after two consecutive postings, it shall be posted as an Outside Function Group 2 vacancy with no restrictions.
5 Groups 3 & 4 and Glen Drive Facility (one representative).
A) Shall be elected officers and voting members of the Executive Committee.
B) Shall be members of the Grievance Committee.
C) Shall report and consult with the Second Vice-President regarding Health and Safety matters for their shift or work area.
D) Shall accompany the President or First Vice-President into management meetings, when requested by the President or First Vice-President.
E) Shall work in conjunction with the Grievance Officer on the preparation and hearing of grievances at the first level and arbitration, when required.
F) Shall attend appropriate Shop Steward meetings and shall make reports to the Shop Steward meetings and the Executive Committee.
G) All Chief Stewards shall be given the opportunity to assist the Grievance Officer in the preparation and processing of grievances. The Chief Stewards shall be booked off on an equitable and rotating basis.
Motion 1
Be it resolved that,
the Vancouver local change the by-laws to read that the Executive position of Secretary-Treasurer revert from a part-time to full-time position.
Motion 2
Executive Motion
Whereas the Vancouver Local 846 of CUPW currently has a Local dues assessment of $4.50 per month,
And whereas the Vancouver Local must vacate its current office by November 30, 2022,
And whereas the Vancouver Local has purchased a property for its new office,
And whereas the monthly mortgage will be in excess of the current rent of 6331.50 to 11,355 per month,
Therefore, be it resolved the monthly local assessment for Union dues be raised by 3.00 per month for a total of 7.50 per month in accordance with articles 9.27 and 9.37 of the National constitution.
Be it further resolved article 4.1 (c) of the Vancouver Local bylaws be changed to read “The Local monthly dues assessment shall be $7.50.”
Motion 3
Whereas the membership has made it clear that there is a demand for virtual meeting and, Whereas the Vancouver local was the first local to put forward clear bylaws for virtual general membership meeting,
Therefore be it resolved that article 10.1(b) be amended as follows:
10.1(b) – Whenever possible, general membership meetings shall be held alternately on the 4th Thursday at 7PM and the 4’th Saturday at 10am of every month.
Every third meeting shall be held virtually in the months of February, May, August and November.
All other meetings shall be held in person unless restricted by public health orders or other unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the local.
These virtual meetings shalt be held in accordance with article 10.6 of the local bylaws.
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President
The Canada Post Corporation (CPC) and The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) had a first consultation on October 27, 2022, to discuss CPC’s interpretation and implementation of the 10 paid sick days as per the Canada Labour Code (CLC).
The 10 paid sick days as per the CLC comes into effect December 2022, with the ability to access the first 3 days as of January 1, 2023. The final regulations for the 10 paid sick days as per the CLC have not yet been released by the federal government.
This bulletin is for information purposes only as it portrays CPC’s position and CUPW has reserved their right to challenge CPCs interpretation after we have had an opportunity to review and analyze CPCs implementation plan in its entirety. To that effect, CPC has indicated they intend to publish a scenario-based interpretation in a document similar to a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ). This document has not yet been provided to CUPW.
CPC indicated that they intend to follow the CLC guidelines and to comply with those guidelines. It is CPCs position that by adding six (6) personal days to the seven (7) personal days we currently receive as per the Urban and RSMC collective agreements, they will be compliance with the CLC requirements.
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President
Zoom Video/Phone Conference
You must register in advance for this meeting.
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, November 8th at 6:30 pm
*Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting.
Special General Membership Meeting Agenda:
Notices of Motion
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President
**Sign Language Interpreters not confirmed**
This is an in-person meeting at the Union Hall, Lower Auditorium. Entrance at 1880 Triumph St.
By Election Chief Shop Steward External Group 2 MSC
2) MSC Route Measurement (4)
3) LCRMS (4)
4) By Laws (3)
5) Conflict Resolution Committee (2) Alternate (2)
6) VDLC (9) Alternate (3)
7) Regional Conference Delegate (5) Alternate (7)
9. Executive Committee Motions
10. Unfinished business
11. Correspondence
12. Executive and Committee Reports
13. Good and Welfare
14. Adjournment
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President
**Sign Language Interpreters have NOT been confirmed.