April 2022 General Membership Meeting

Thursday April 28th at 7pm
Union Hall 1880 Triumph St. Vancouver  

This is an in-person meeting at the Union hall, Lower Auditorium. Entrance at 1880 Triumph St. 


  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of new members
  4. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  5. Business arising out of the minutes
  6. Financials
  7. New Business
  8. Nominations and elections:
    1. By Election: Chief Shop Steward Group 2 External (description below)
    2. Organizing Committee (1)
    3. Publications Committee (1)
    4. Regional Delegate Alternate (9)
  9. Executive Committee Motions
  10. Unfinished business
  11. Correspondence
  12. Executive and Committee Reports
  13. Good and Welfare
  14. Adjournment


In Solidarity,

Blair Bancroft



**Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sr/CUPE-3338



  1. If a vacancy occurs a notice shall be posted immediately.
  2. Nominations and acceptances in writing shall be received up to and including the day of election.
  3. The notice of vacancy and call for nominations must be posted for a minimum of 20 days before an election can be held.
  4. An election to cover the interim period of time until the next Annual Election shall take place at the next General Membership Meeting subject to 9.7 A (3) and shall be voted on by all members in attendance at the meeting.
  5. An election to cover the remainder of the term of office shall take place as part of the next Annual Elections, if applicable


B. Chief Stewards shall come from the following areas:

  1. PPC Day Shift/Wickets/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
  2. PPC Afternoon Shift/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
  3. PPC Midnight Shift/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
  4. Outside Function (three representatives at least one of which will come from each outside function, L.C. and M.S.C. However, in the event that a position remains vacant after two consecutive postings, it shall be posted as an Outside Function Group 2 vacancy with no restrictions);
  5. Groups 3 & 4 and Glen Drive Facility (one representative). 


  1. Shall be elected officers and voting members of the Executive Committee.
  2. Shall be members of the Grievance Committee.
  3. Shall report and consult with the Second Vice-President regarding Health and Safety matters for their shift or work area.
  4. Shall accompany the President or First Vice-President into management meetings, when requested by the President or First Vice-President.
  5. Shall work in conjunction with the Grievance Officer on the preparation and hearing of grievances at the first level and arbitration, when required.
  6. Shall attend appropriate Shop Steward meetings, and shall make reports to the Shop Steward meetings and the Executive Committee.
  7. All Chief Stewards shall be given the opportunity to assist the Grievance Officer in the preparation and processing of grievances. The Chief Stewards shall be booked off on an equitable and rotating basis.




Positions Won Through Election

3rd Vice President:

Bryan Schuck

Secretary Treasurer:

Kevin Biggs

Positions Won Through By-Election

Health and Safety Director:

Jeanette McConnell

Organizing Director/Tyler:

Katie Poch

Recording Secretary/Bylaws Chair:

Zoe McGowan

The following position did not have a candidate successful in accordance with our Bylaws and will require a run-off election.

Date and locations to be determined.

**9.6 Voting Procedures (J.):
i. In all elections, except shop steward elections, a majority vote is required and candidates shall be declared elected subject to article 3.29 of the National Constitution, and shall then take office at the conclusion of the meeting at which they were elected.
ii. When three (3) or more candidates run for a position on the Executive and the leading candidate receives less than one-half of the valid ballots, a run-off election shall be held between the two (2) leading candidates.

The leading two (2) candidates are as follows

***** Education Director: *****

Jamie McCurrach

Raylene Marshall

Continued on reverse

The following position will be up for By-Election at the next GMM:

**Chief Shop Steward (Group 2)**



  1. If a vacancy occurs a notice shall be posted immediately.
  2. Nominations and acceptances in writing shall be received up to and including the day of election.
  1. The notice of vacancy and call for nominations must be posted for a minimum of 20 days before an election can be held.
  1. An election to cover the interim period of time until the next Annual Election shall take

place at the next General Membership Meeting subject to 9.7 A (3) and shall be voted on by all members in attendance at the meeting.

  1. An election to cover the remainder of the term of office shall take place as part of the next Annual Elections, if applicable


B.Chief Stewards shall come from the following areas:

  1. PPC Day Shift/Wickets/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
  2. PPC Afternoon Shift/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
  3. PPC Midnight Shift/Group 1 C&D (one representative);
  4. Outside Function (three representatives at least one of which will come from each outside function, L.C. and M.S.C. However, in the event that a position remains vacant after two consecutive postings, it shall be posted as an Outside Function Group 2 vacancy with no restrictions);
  5. Groups 3 & 4 and Glen Drive Facility (one representative).


  1. Shall be elected officers and voting members of the Executive Committee.
  2. Shall be members of the Grievance Committee.
  3. Shall report and consult with the Second Vice-President regarding Health and Safety matters for their shift or work area.
  4. Shall accompany the President or First Vice-President into management meetings, when requested by the President or First Vice-President.
  5. Shall work in conjunction with the Grievance Officer on the preparation and hearing of grievances at the first level and arbitration, when required.
  6. Shall attend appropriate Shop Steward meetings, and shall make reports to the Shop Steward meetings and the Executive Committee.
  7. All Chief Stewards shall be given the opportunity to assist the Grievance Officer in the preparation and processing of grievances. The Chief Stewards shall be booked off on an equitable and rotating basis.

In Solidarity

Katie Poch                               Blair Bancroft

Organizing Director          A/President

By-Election Results

Here are the successful members of the Table Officer By-elections held at our GMM Saturday March 26th:

Health and Safety Director:

Jeanette McConnell

Organizing Director/Tyler:

Katie Poch

Recording Secretary/Bylaws Chair:

Zoe McGowan

Congratulations to the successful nominees and thank you to all who put their names forward.

As per our bylaws 9.7 By elections:

4. An election to cover the interim period of time until the next Annual Election shall take place at the next General Membership Meeting subject to 9.7 A (3) and shall be voted on by all members in attendance at the meeting.
5. An election to cover the remainder of the term of office shall take place as part of the next Annual Elections, if applicable.

Therefore these positions will be up for election during our Plantgate 2023 elections.

There is also a vacancy for Chief Shop Steward Group 2 External with the successful election of Katie Poch. This position will be posted for By-Election at our next GMM, April 28th at the Union Hall.

In solidarity,

Blair Bancroft,

Acting President,

CUPW Vancouver Local 846

Election Results

Results from the 2022 CUPW Vancouver 846 Plantgate elections:


Please see update to Education Director below.

Sorry for any confusion.

The following positions have successful candidates through election:

3rd Vice President:

Bryan Schuck

Secretary Treasurer:

Kevin Biggs

The following position did not have a candidate successful in accordance with our Bylaws and will require a Run-off election.

**9.6 Voting Procedures (J.):
i. In all elections, except shop steward elections, a majority vote is required and candidates shall be declared elected subject to article 3.29 of the National Constitution, and shall then take office at the conclusion of the meeting at which they were elected.
ii. When three (3) or more candidates run for a position on the Executive and the leading candidate receives less than one-half of the valid ballots, a run-off election shall be held between the two (2) leading candidates.

The leading two (2) candidates are as follows

*****Education Director:*****

Jamie McCurrach

Raylene Marshall


Congratulations to the successful candidates and good luck to those in the run off election. Thank you to all who ran for a position.  Information about dates and times will be posted in the near future for the run-off election.

In solidarity,

Blair Bancroft,

Acting President

Vancouver Local 846


Mar. 18 (Friday) Advance Poll (Union Hall)  7:00 AM 5:00 PM
Mar. 20 (Sunday) Pacific Processing Centre (PPC) 6:00 AM 8:30 PM
Mar. 21 (Monday) Stn G 7:00 AM 9:30 AM
Wickets & Main Office Boxes 11:30 AM 12:30 PM
Glen Drive 1:00 PM 1:30 PM
Royal & Bentall Centres  10:45 AM 11:30 AM
Pacific Centre 10:15 AM 10:30 AM
**Stn D 1:45PM 2:00 PM**
Mar. 22 (Tuesday) **Pacific International Facility    9:15 PM  10:15PM**
Mar. 22 (Tuesday) LCD 1 & 2 8:30 AM   3:00 PM
Stn F 8:30 AM 11:30 AM
NBDC 8:30 AM 12:45 PM
CDC 7:45 AM 13:30 PM
NVDC (Harbour) 8:30 AM 13:30 PM
West Van Retail 11:30 AM 12:00 PM
Mar. 23 (Wednesday) PPC & MSCs Starts 11:30 PM Tuesday, Mar. 22
Ends   12:30 AM Thursday, Mar. 24
Mar. 23 (Wednesday) SVDC 8:30 AM 2:30 PM
RDC (22, 23 & 24) 8:00 AM 11:45 AM
Richmond Retail 12:00 PM 12:30 PM
Mar. 24 (Thursday) North Fraser Delivery Depot 7:30 AM 12:00 PM
BBY 3 8:00 AM 11:00 AM
Mar. 25 (Friday) Post Poll (Union Hall) 7:00 AM 3:30 PM

NOTE: To ensure time to vote, give yourself extra time at the start (all locations) or
at the end of your shift (PPC). Please have your CPC ID ready.

** voting time has been amended

In Solidarity,

Blair Bancroft
