March 2022 General Membership Meeting

March 2022

General Membership Meeting

You must register in advance for this meeting.

Registration Deadline: Friday March 25 @10am

*Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  


  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action
  3. Reading of new members
  4. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  5. Business arising out of the minutes
  6. Financials
  7. New Business:
  8. Nominations and elections
    1. BY-ELECTION – Health & Safety Director (description on reverse)
    2. BY-ELECTION – Organizing Director/Tyler (description on reverse)
    3. BY-ELECTION – Recoding Secretary By-laws Chair(description on reverse)
    4. Balloting Committee (8)
    5. Health & Safety Committee (minimum 9)
    6. Education Committee (8)
    7. Organizing Committee (8)
    8. Publications Committee (8)
    9. Regional Conference Delegates Alternate (1)
  9. Executive Committee Motions
  10.  Unfinished business
  11. Correspondence
  12. Executive and Committee Reports
  13. Good and Welfare
  14. Adjournment

In Solidarity,

Blair Bancroft


**Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.


A.Shall be an elected officer and voting member of the Executive Committee and shall be the Chairperson of the Health and Safety Committee.

B. Shall coordinate the activities of the Health and Safety Committee.

C. Shall report to the Executive Committee 


 A Shall be an elected officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.

 B Shall maintain the membership attendance book for Executive Committee, General Membership and Special Meetings. 

 C Shall maintain a monthly listing of members eligible to run for office in the Local, as set out in Article 9. 

 D Shall check membership credentials at all General Membership and Special Meetings. 

E Shall maintain order at meetings as requested from the Chair. F Shall audit attendance at meetings to see that a quorum is maintained. 

G Shall chair the Organization Committee. 

H Shall assist the Local Secretary-Treasurer as required. 


 A Shall be an elected officer and voting member of the Executive Committee. 

B Shall take the minutes of all Executive Committee, General Membership and Special Meetings of the Local. 

C Shall be the Chair of the By-laws Committee. 


9.1 D  Candidates must be a member in good standing and must have attended at least three (3) of the General Membership Meetings in the twelve (12) months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations. Subject to Article 9.10 A. and 10.7

2022 Annual Elections: Nominations are now closed

Nominations have now closed for the following positions on the Local Executive Committee:


Part Time Officers

3rd Vice President

Joseph Henderson McCance

Bryan Schuck

Secretary Treasurer

Kevin Biggs

John Tweed

Table Officers

Education Director

Angelo Alcantara

Adrian Chow

Jaime McCurrach

Raylene Marshall

Nominated and Acclaimed
Full Time Officers

1st Vice President

Blair Bancroft

Chief Shop Stewards

Chief Shop Steward Internal PPC/PIFF/Wickets Shift #2

Yogesh Sharma

Chief Shop Steward Internal PPC/PIFF/Wickets Shift #3

Helen De Guzman

Chief Shop Steward External LC (2 positions)
Martin Kosik

Katie Poch

Chief Shop Steward External MSC

Allan Dobbs 

Vacant/Not Filled 

Health and Safety Director 

Organizing Director/Tyler 

*Pursuant to 9.7 of the Vancouver Local by-laws the above vacant positions will be posted for election at the March 26, 2022 GMM

The schedule for the 2022 annual election will be presented in a future bulletin. Congratulations to those acclaimed to a position and good luck to those nominated.

In Solidarity, 

Blair Bancroft, A/President

Women’s Health And Safety in the Workplace Webinar

Women’s Health & Safety in the Workplace

All workers face health and safety issues at work – injuries, workplace hazards, diseases, and stress. Many of these issues have a gender dimension – they affect women in particular ways. This webinar will give an overview of the challenges women face in the workplace and ways to take action that address the ongoing inequities.

  • Understand gender-based inequities in health & safety and how they impact women
  • Discuss workplace hazards that put women at risk to their physical and psychological health and safety
  • Explore actions that webinar participants can take to address inequities

When: International Women’s Day, Tuesday March 8th 12-1:30 PST (One hour webinar followed by 30 minute Q&A)
Cost: Free with mandatory pre-registration
Audience: All who want to know more about how to make our workplaces and lives safer and healthier.
Pre registration mandatory:  Women’s Health & Safety in the Workplace (12-1:30 PM)

This Webinar is offered through the BC Federation of Labor. Unfortunately there will be no bookoffs for those who wish to attend.

Blair Bancroft,

Acting President CUPW Local 846





February General Membership Meeting

Thursday February 24th at 7pm
Zoom Video/Phone Conference

You must register in advance for this meeting. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 23 at 7pm

Due to the information needed to be sent to participants, and the time required to authenticate registrations, all participants must register by the deadline above. *Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting.

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of new members
  4. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  5. Business arising out of the minutes
  6. New Business
  7. Nominations and elections: 
  1. MSC Route Measurement minimum (1)
  2. VDLC (1) alternate (2) 
  1. Executive Committee Motions
  2. Unfinished business
  3. Correspondence
  4. Executive and Committee Reports
  5. Good and Welfare
  6. Adjournment

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar



**Sign Language Interpreters have been confirmed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sr/CUPE-3338


Celebrating Black History Month

February 1st, 2022

In addition to the United Nations recognition starting in 2015 to 2024, the Internal Decade for People of African Descent, we will be celebrating across the country the 34th Black History month. The theme is February and Forever: Celebrating Black History today and every day. Building on the theme I am reframing Black History Month, as a time for recognition, reflection and the reclaiming of Black People’s excellence, economic, cultural, and social contributions as the true history that has been erased from or whitewashed within our history.

Black history in Canada began between 1600-1610 yet Black history comprises only 5% of some history texts.


The Federal Government Amends the Canada Labour Code to Include Paid Sick Leave

Tuesday January 25 2022


The Federal Government has passed BILL C-3, an Act to amend the Canada Labour Code. It received Royal Assent and became law on December 17, 2021. This amendment is not currently in effect and we don’t know when it will come into force.

This legislation amends medical leave and bereavement leave under Part III of the Canada Labour Code.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) has reached out to the Canada Post Corporation (CPC) concerning these changes. CPC has informed us they are waiting for the Federal Government to set up consultation with the affected employers for guidance on how to implement these changes within their organizations.


“The legislation amends medical leave under Part III of the Canada Labour Code to provide that:

  • thirty days after these provisions come into force employees will earn their first three days of paid sick leave to help ensure employees have adequate paid sick leave should they need it;
  • for new employees, they will earn the first three days of paid sick leave thirty days after starting a new job;
  • employees are entitled to earn one day of medical leave with pay for each month of employment with an employer, up to a maximum of ten days in a calendar year;[1]
  • any day of medical leave with pay that an employee does not take in a calendar year carries forward to January 1st of the following calendar year and counts toward the ten days that can be earned in the new year; and
  • the maximum number of days of medical leave with pay that an employee can take in a calendar year is ten; and
  • employers are permitted to request a medical certificate for medical leaves of absence with pay that are five days or longer.”

Continue reading “The Federal Government Amends the Canada Labour Code to Include Paid Sick Leave”