In the event Canada Post informs you that someone in your workplace or section has tested positive for COVID 19, we recommend you immediately call 811.

It is important to describe your workplace environment and working conditions in detail.

If you are advised by 811 to self-isolate, we recommend you contact your supervisor and inform them of the direction given by 811 and request special leave.

In Solidarity,

Chris Zukowsky, President


Since the beginning of July 2020, workers with a medical condition deemed high risk and who had to stay home following the COVID-19 outbreak have been given a form prepared by Canada Life. This form was to be completed by a physician and was intended to determine if you should remain on leave or if you were fit to return to work. If you received this form, here’s what you need to know.

Click Here to Read More

IMPORTANT UPDATE: High-Risk Leave Forms for Members at Canada Post

Dear Sisters, Brothers, Friends:

Many members have been asking about the new form for high-risk as it is not available on the Intrapost site. Canada Life has not yet provided the new form to Canada Post. We will notify the Regions once it is available.

We have been working on this file consistently and have tried to get this important information out to members in a relevant timeframe. If you are as dissatisfied with the situation as we are, we encourage you to let Canada Post know! 


For members who have filled in the old form or need to use the old form: We have reached an agreement that Canada Post will ONLY receive the information that would have been provided on the new high-risk form.



Today we received the long awaited interest arbitration decision from Arbitrator Elizabeth MacPherson. Below is a summary of this decision and how it will impact Urban Ops employees.

The Following Has Been Imposed  by the Arbitrator 

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PPC Members Raise Over $5k for Women`s Center!


PPC Health & Safety committee would like to thank each and every one of you for your contributions. With your help, we have raised $5,960 for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Center. Many thanks to all who stepped up to help us make this possible. Helping one in need is simply out of kindness and it shows who you are. Volunteers at the PPC and LJOSH committee would like to thank all of you for your endless support in these trying times. Working during the COVID-19 Pandemic could be challenging and here are some messages from our members at PPC.

Continue Reading Here

*ALERT* Website Change

Due to the amount of information we are receiving regarding the ongoing COVID-19 crisis we have created a dedicated area on the front page titled “COVID- 19 Info”.

For mobile devices; it is located below the current front page posts.

For desktop users; it will be located to the right ledger of  your screen.

New information  regarding Covid – 19 will be posted on the front page and then will be archived to the COVID – 19 info area. All information will located there for your convenience.

**Please note; in order to facilitate the above, we have temporarily removed the “Negotiations” information area. All negotiations related bulletins can still be found in the “Archived Bulletins” tab.

Thank you for your understanding.