109-4238 Lozells ave, Burnaby

Join us for the Local Organizing Committee Meeting at the union hall on Saturday , January 18th, at 10:00 AM. This meeting is open to all members in good standing who want to participate in shaping organizing strategies, sharing ideas, and strengthening our union’s collective power.

Bring your thoughts, questions, and enthusiasm! Your involvement makes a difference.

We look forward to seeing you there!

In Solidarity,

Kat Poch

Organizing Director


General Membership Meeting

Saturday, January 25th at 10AM

Maritimes Labour Centre

1880 Triumph Street


Agenda for the January GMM:

  • Land Acknowledgment
  • Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  • Reading of Harassment Policy
  • Reading of new members
  • Financials
  • Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  • Business arising out of the minutes
  • New Business
  • Nominations and elections:
    1. Conflict Resolution Committee alternates (1)
    2. Regional delegate Alternates (3)
    3. Publications Committee (2) 
  • Executive Committee Motions
  • Unfinished business
  • Correspondence
  • Executive and Committee Reports
  • Good and Welfare
  • Adjournment

***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President



General Membership Meeting

 November 23rd, Saturday 10am

 Maritimes Labour Centre

1880 Triumph street, Vancouver

 Agenda for the November GMM:

  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of Harassment Policy
  4. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  5. Business arising out of the minutes
  6. New Business
  7. Nominations and elections:
    1. Regional delegate Alternates (3)
    2. Conflict Resolution Committee Alternate (1)
    3. Publications Committee (2) 
  1. Executive Committee Motions
  2. Unfinished business
  3. Correspondence
  4. Executive and Committee Reports
  5. Good and Welfare (Strike Update)
  6. Adjournment

***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

 In Solidarity

Anju Parmar, President


( Amended) October

General Membership Meeting

 October 24th, Thursday 7pm

   Italian Cultural Centre

   3075 Slocan Street, Vancouver

Agenda for the October GMM:

  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of Harassment Policy
  4. Reading of new members
  5. Financials
  6. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  7. Business arising out of the minutes
  8. New Business (Motion at the back)
  9. Nominations and elections:
    1. Conflict Resolution Committee alternates (2) 
    2.  Regional delegates (4)  Alternates (10) 
  • Executive Committee Motions
  • Unfinished business
  • Correspondence
  • Executive and Committee Reports
  • Good and Welfare
  • Adjournment 

***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

In Solidarity 


Anju Parmar, President

Motion 1

Motion to change CUPW Vancouver Local Bylaws and further regionals


A Shall be an elected Full-time Officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.

B Shall prepare, arrange, and oversee the hearing of all grievances at the first level.

G Shall maintain an up-to-date grievance filing system.

D Shall chair at least six (6) Grievance Committee Meetings per year to deal with matters relating to the

grievance procedure.

E Shall maintain a liaison between the Local and Regional Grievance Officer

F Shall Report to the Executive Committee.

WHEREAS: language state “an elected Full-Time Officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.”

WHEREAS: notice currently Grievance Officer of Local is very overwhelmed with huge numbers of

grievance being filed daily.

BE it RESOLVED: language to change from ” A’ to ‘Persons up to 2 Grievance Officers’

Motion Submit by CUPW Member Brother Darrell Siebring


Annual General Membership Meeting

Thursday, June 20th at 6pm

Zoom Video/Phone Conference

You must register in advance for this meeting.

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 19th at 7  pm.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

*Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting. *

This meeting is to give report on financials and answer questions. There will be no other business discussed at this meeting.

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President

 **Sign Language Interpreters are confirmed**



June General Membership Meeting

June 20th Thursday at 7PM

Zoom Video/Phone Conference

You must register in advance for this meeting.

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 19th 7pm.

Below is the link to register

Admission to the meeting will close fifteen (15) minutes from the start of the meeting.

             Agenda for the June GMM:

  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of Harassment Policy
  4. Reading of new members
  5. Financials
  6. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  7. Business arising out of the minutes
  8. New Business
  9. Nominations and elections:
    1. Regional Delegates Alternates (3)
    2. Education Committee (1)
    3. Publication Committee (1)
  10. Executive Committee Motions
  11. Unfinished business
  12. Correspondence
  13. Executive and Committee Reports
  14. Good and Welfare
  15. Adjournment 

***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

In Solidarity,


Anju Parmar, President


May General Membership Meeting

Saturday May 25th at 10am

Maritimes Labour Centre

1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver

Agenda for the May GMM:

  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of Harassment Policy
  4. Reading of new members
  5. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  6. Business arising out of the minutes
  7. New Business
  8. Nominations and elections:
    1. Regional Delegates Alternates (3)
    2. Education Committee (1)
    3. Publication Committee (1)
  9. Executive Committee Motions
  10. Unfinished business
  11. Correspondence
  12. Executive and Committee Reports
  13. Good and Welfare
  14. Adjournment

***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President

read more here