CUPW members need to be ready to be on the picket line this Friday and you also need to be ready to report to work. No one knows what will happen so be prepared for either option. Or Friday November 15 2024 may be both a work day and a picket line day. But, no matter if this Friday is a strike or a lockout or a workday we all have to show our solidarity. We need to tell Canada Post we don’t want their rollbacks and we want a Collective Agreement that addresses real problems! If you happen to be at work and the employer lock us out in that case we urge you all to stick around and help the picket lines.
The next period is going to be stressful for all of us. Solidarity will help relieve the stress. We are in this fight together and we all will come out strong and United. If you see your co workers struggling please reach out to your local Social Steward.
A number of temporary workers have asked me if they should picket. The answer is yes!!!! The issues at the bargaining table will have a huge impact on all current and future Canada Post workers including temporary workers.
Already many other Unions have sent us messages of support. We are not alone in this struggle.
Things are changing so quickly as our national executive board is trying to update us via emails and press releases with the newer information. Its hard sometimes to get information to you right away. I urge you all to please go to the CUPW National website at or the CUPW Vancouver Local website at to keep up to date.
In the next couple of days please listen to your shop stewards and picket captains. They are there to help all of the members on the work floors.
In previous rounds of bargaining we have made enormous gains for postal workers and we have stopped Canada Post’s rollbacks. Let’s fight the good fight.
We can do this again!!
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President