8am – 4pm
Application deadline is Friday, March 31st, 2023 at noon.
ASL Interpreters have been requested but are not yet confirmed.
The course includes information on our pension plan history, current health of the plan, buying back time, early and medical retirement, retirement calculated (what do I get and what’s deducted?), benefits after retirement, CPP/OAS basics, survivors and dependent benefits, marriage breakdown/divorce and your pension, penalty tables, what’s the best time to retire, and much, much more!
This course is meant to be in addition to the Retirement Seminar offered by CPC and explains our Pension Plan from CUPW’s perspective. This course is co-facilitated by Retirement Committee member Marion Pollack.
- Education application forms must be legible and completed in full or applications will not be accepted.
- Please indicate your estimated retirement date so we can prioritize limited class space.
- Book offs are not available for this course so please ensure you have this day off before submitting your application.
- There are no prerequisites or meeting requirements for this course.
- Application forms can be found on your Union Boards, from your Shop Stewards, at the Hall, or on CUPW Vancouver’s website
The course will be held in person at the Maritime Labour Center
#130-111 Victoria Dr. Vancouver, B.C
In Solidarity,
Jamie McCurrach
Education Director, Vancouver Local 846 lb/CUPE-3338