Gig-Economy Delivery Workers Need Protections – You Can Help

Apps like Doordash, Uber Eats, Amazon Flex, and Skip the Dishes have become dominant through the pandemic. As we stay in, and order in, more and more app-based delivery workers are on the streets, bringing what we want and need to our doors. Unfortunately, behind that convenience lies low wages and poor working conditions. As more work moves towards apps, it is important to fight to better these workers’ conditions while at the same time protecting ours. It is for this reason that we are reaching out to gig workers in Metro Vancouver, and we need your help!

Do You:

  • Want to help support non-unionized workers get access to the rights they deserve?
  • Enjoy having conversations with workers?
  • Speak a second language (Tagalog, Punjabi, Hindi, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese)?
  • Have some union or community volunteer experience?

If this interests you, please email Devan Ritchie at [email protected] to get involved.

In Solidarity,

Chris Zukowsky
