Householders and Overtime

Over the past few months, as I have been visiting the Depot and Stations in the Local, one of the issues that have been coming up is the issue of admail and overtime.  The employer’s position in many of the depots is that letter carriers cannot use householders as an excuse for doing overtime. Some of the reasons the employer has used to deny overtime to members are as follows: 
  • The collation of householders is included in the prep time you receive for householders – WRONG
  • There is delivery time built into your routes to delivery admail – WRONG
  • You receive 2.3 cents per householder so you already get paid for the time it takes to deliver householders – WRONG
  • The over assessment payment is for the householders – WRONG 

Other members have been told that the collation and delivery of their householders is included in the time values that were negotiated in the 2007 Collective Agreement. This is simply not the case. 

To ensure that the letter carriers are correctly credited for the handling of householder mail, a review of each individual route householder mailing history must be conducted every six (6) months and the workload assessment must be updated accordingly based on a fifty-two (52) week span.  The first update following a restructure will be based on a minimum of six (6) months of information. 

The letter carrier route measurement system (LCRMS) is clear as to what time value you receive for the preparation of householders and how that time value is based. 

Chapter 6 of the LCRMS outlines two methods used to determine the time value allowed per call for: 

  • Preparation of householders
  • Picking up householders from relay boxes
  • Delivery of the householders (only applies under option #1) 

Based on the applicable options, the two options are: 

Option 1:

Letter carriers are given a time allowance for preparation, relay pick up and delivery for the first three (3) complete sets as well as a “per piece payment” for those complete sets over three (3).


Option 2:

Letter carriers receive a “per piece payment” for all householders delivered as well as a time allowance for preparing householders over three (3) complete sets, relay pick up time for those routes receiving an average of one thousand six hundred (1600) pieces or more per week, and extra handling time for oversized householders (between 6”x12” and 9”x12”) for routes with more than two (2) oversized sets per week. 

The first option gives you time for the delivery of the first three set.  This was the standard option in Vancouver until the mid 1990’s.  The employer then changed this to option two and eliminated all the delivery time on routes. 

When management states that you have time in your route to deliver your flyers they are (and I put this in a nice way) mistaken. 

The only time that we have currently for householders is the preparation time, pick up time for relays, and extra handling time if you received more than two sets of oversize householders per week. This has not been happening and we are getting no extra time for oversize householders. 

The Preparation time is for you to break the set into your A,B,C, day or into five (5) splits – if the householder is a five (5) day delivery.  It is not for collation of householders. 

The proper method for the handling of flyers after two (2) sets as per the Corporate Manual System (CMS): 

Three or more Unaddressed mailings per POC for delivery: 

  • collate and stack bundles inside the office;
  • on the morning of delivery, sort Unaddressed admail with case-sorted mail in the office
  • or merge UA items during tie-out 

All of the time to collate and merge with the regular mail is work that is not structured and there is no time value in the LCRMS.  This work is paid either in your regular eight (8) hours or if volumes dictate with overtime – there is no work we do for free. 

It up to the employer to manage the mail, not us.  It is up to the employer to review the volumes in the morning and decide if they will give us help with householders and with the regular mail. 

In the CMS instructions, Supervisors can also provide assistance to the route by using unassigned letter carriers or letter carriers that need modified duties. 

For CMBs, LBP/Panels during heavy volume, or if a route has a large number of points of calls, Supervisors can approve collation of householders inside the depot by the carrier or offer assistance. 

Again this is paid time, no free time. 

At no time should we be giving free time to the Corporation.

Our free time is not work time!! Our work time is not free time!! 

In Solidarity,
Pat Bertrand
1st Vice President
