Saturday January 27th at 10am
The meeting will be held in person at:
361 Howard Ave, Burnaby
(corner of Howard and Hastings)
- Land Acknowledgment
- Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
- Reading of new members
- Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
- Business arising out of the minutes
- Financials
- New Business
- Nominations and elections:
- External Executive Steward
- MSC Route Evaluation (1)
- Trustees (1)
- Conflict Resolution (1) Alternates (2)
- VDLC (1) Alternates (3)
- Regional delegates (14) Alternates (10)
9.Executive Committee Motions
10.Unfinished business
12.Executive and Committee Reports
13.Good and Welfare
***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President
Motion 1
Whereas some of our Officer Job Descriptions require updating,
Whereas elected Officers have specific duties related to their roles,
Whereas some off our Officers require Specific Skills and Experience pertaining to their Portfolios,
Therefore, be it resolved we change the description of the 1st Vice President role to read:
6.2 The First Vice-President:
6.2 A Shall be an elected Full-Time Officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.
6.2 B Shall work with and assist the President in the performance of their duties and wherever possible accompany the President in meetings with postal management.
6.2 C In the event the President is unavailable, the First Vice-President shall act in their stead.
6.2 D Shall assist the Grievance Officer in all matters relating to the Group 2 grievance procedure. The First Vice-President Shall be responsible for assisting the Grievance Officer in filing Group 2 staffing grievances.
6.2 E Shall be a recognized signing officer of the Local.
6.2 F Shall be primarily responsible for all Group 2/External issues within the local. As such, must have training in Letter Carrier Route Measurement or MSC Route Measurement and Bar Charts.
6.2 G Shall be Responsible for all Group 2 Accommodation issues and assist the Grievance Officer with any grievances about Group 2 Accommodations.
6.2 H Shall be responsible for attending and representing the local for all Group 2 consultations.
6.2 I Shall be responsible for monitoring the staffing for workers in Group 2 And Letter Carrier Depots.
Be it further resolved we change the Second Vice President role to read:
6.3 The Second Vice-President:
6.3 A Shall be an elected Full-Time Officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.
6.3 B In the event that the President and the First Vice-President are unavailable, the Second Vice-President shall act in their stead.
6.3 C Shall be responsible for coordinating all W.C.B. appeals in the Local.
6.3 D Shall be Responsible for all Group 1,3 and 4 Accommodation issues and assist the Grievance Officer with any grievances about Group 1,3 and 4 Accommodations.
6.3 E Shall be a member of the Local Health and Safety Committee.
6.3 F Shall assist the 3rd Vice-President in monitoring Group 1,3 and 4 Staffing in the Local.
6.3 G Shall work with the Grievance Officer and the Health and Safety Director on matters of Health and Safety.
6.3 H Shall be a recognized signing Officer of the Local.
Be it further resolved we change the Third Vice President role to read:
6.4 The Third Vice – President
6.4 A Shall be an elected part-time officer and voting member of the Local Executive Committee, working for the Local as required and working in their substantive position with the Corporation for at least ten (10) days per calendar month.
6.4 B Shall be responsible for monitoring the staffing for workers in Group 1,3, and 4 and assist the Grievance officer with any grievances about Group 1,3 and 4 Staffing.
6.4 C Shall Assist the 2nd Vice-President for all Group 1,3 and 4 Accommodation issues.
6.4 D Shall be responsible to attend and represent the Local at consultations concerning Groups 1, 3 and 4 in any Plants in the Local.
6.4 E Shall work with and assist the local Full Time Officers in the performance of their duties as required.
6.4 F Shall work with, and assist the Shop Stewards in Groups 1, 3 and 4 as required.
6.4 G Shall be a member of the Local Health and Safety Committee.
6.4 H Shall report to the Local Executive Committee
Be it further resolved we change the 14.2 VACANCIES to read:
A In the event of a vacancy in the position of President, the First Vice-President shall assume the position until the election is completed. The Executive shall appoint a member of the executive with relevant experience the duties of the office of First Vice-President until the First Vice-President resumes their position.
B In the event of a vacancy in the position of First Vice-President, the Executive shall appoint a member of the executive with relevant Group 2 experience to assume the duties of the 1st Vice President role for the duration of the absence
C In the event of a vacancy in the position of Second Vice-President, the Health and Safety Director shall assume the duties of the office until the election is completed.
D In the event of a vacancy in the position of Secretary-Treasurer, the Organization Director/Tyler shall assume the duties of the office until the election is completed.
E In the event of a vacancy in the position of Grievance Officer, the Executive Committee shall select from within the seven (7) Chief Stewards, an individual who shall on an equitable and rotating basis assume the duties of the office until the election is completed’. The person shall work under the direction of the First Vice-President. These appointments shall be for one (l) week periods.
F In the event of a vacancy of the Third Vice-president, the executive will choose an executive shop steward, with preference given to Internal positions first, to assume the duties of the third Vice-president.
G In the event that Any incumbent is not able or willing to fill a position. The LEC will Have the ability to nominate any Shop Steward to fill the position until a by-election can be held.
Motion 2
Whereas the National constitution States.
9.05 Local by-laws shall provide the election procedure for the Local Executive Committee, either annually or every three years, or preferably, every four years.
Whereas our current schedule falls outside the national constitution.
Therefore, be it resolved that article 9 read as follows
Elections for full-time officers, part-time officers, table officers, executive stewards and shop stewards shall be held biennially by secret ballot as outlined in the following articles.
A The election of the President, Second Vice-President and the Grievance Officer shall take place in 2025 and shall be by secret ballot of the membership.
B The election of the Secretary-Treasurer, the First Vice-President and the Third Vice President shall take place in 2024, then 2027. Thereafter, every 2 years after the Local Presidential Election and shall be by secret ballot of the membership.
C Nominations and acceptances must be submitted by February l5th of the appropriate year.
D Candidates must be a member in good standing and must have attended at least three (3) of the General Membership Meetings in the twelve (12) months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations. Subject to Article 9.10 A and 10.7.
E Candidates who hold an executive position and are seeking election in another executive position prior to the expiry of their term, must tender their written resignation. Such resignation must accompany their written nomination and acceptance. Effective date of the resignation shall be at least one week prior to voting on the contested position. In the event of a By-election, the acceptance of an nomination will constitute a resignation.
F The term of office for all Full-time and Part-Time Officers shall be 4 years.
A The election of the Education Director and the Recording Secretary/Bylaws Chair shall take place in Presidential years and shall be by secret ballot of the membership.
B The election of the Health and Safety Director and the Organization Director/Tyler shall take place in Secretary-Treasurer years and shall be by secret ballot of the membership.
C Nominations and acceptances must be submitted by February 15th of the appropriate year.
D Candidates must be a member in good standing and must have attended at least three (3) of the General Membership Meetings in the twelve (12) months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations. Subject to Article 9.10 A and 10.7.
E Candidates who hold an executive position and are seeking election in another executive position prior to the expiry of their term, must tender their written resignation. Such resignation must accompany their written nomination and acceptance. Effective date of the resignation shall be at least one week prior to voting on the contested position. In the event of a By Election, the acceptance of an nomination will constitute a resignation.
F The term of office for all Table Officers shall be 4 years.
A Shall be elected by and from the members in their own shift or work area, as outlined in Article 5.1 B.
B Nominations and acceptances must be submitted by February 15.
C These elections shall take place at the same time as elections for Table Officers, as per Article 9.6.
D Candidates must be a member in good standing and must have attended at least three (3) of the General Meetings in the twelve (12) months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations. Subject to Article 9.10 A and 10.7.
E The term of office for all Executive Stewards shall be 4 years.
A Candidates must be a member in good standing and be off probation.
B Candidates for Shop Steward will be elected by the members in their work area.
C The work area will be defined by the Executive Committee, considering the best representation possible.
D There will be no limit on the number of Shop Stewards in any work area.
E Nominations for Shop Steward will be accepted at any time. The term of office shall be 4 years from the date of the Shop Steward election or if by floor nomination, till the next executive election.
F To be elected a nominee must have received 35% of the votes cast.
G To be elected as a shop steward a nominee must have completed a basic shop steward course.
For the purpose of this article, the word “election” shall also mean nominations and acceptances, and elections; unless otherwise stated. Further, “term of office” for delegates and./or committee members shall continue until the next election is held as per this section. Whenever possible, elections shall be posted in the month previous, and opened for nominations at that meeting, with the nominations being reopened and elections held in the following month.
The election of delegates to the National Convention of the Union shall be in accordance with section 3.05 of the National Constitution.
B Each local is entitled to be represented by one delegate for the first one hundred members or less, and by one delegate for each additional one hundred members or majority part thereof.
C Each delegate, in order to be elected to National Convention, must have attended the Pre-Convention Regional Conference. A member may be excused from this requirement by the Local and the National Director only for performing Union Business, sickness, bereavement leave or truly exceptional circumstances.
D Delegates shall be elected at any General Membership Meeting.
E Alternate Delegates shall be elected in the event any delegates are unable to attend or become ineligible to attend the National Convention.
F The election of delegates to a Special Convention of the Union shall be in accordance with section 3.43 of the National Constitution.
G Regional Conference Delegates will be elected at the September General Meeting following the National Convention to a term lasting through to the commencement of the September General meeting following the Next National Convention.
H Candidates must be a member in good standing and must have attended at least three (3) of the General Meetings in the twelve (12) months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations. Subject to Article 9.10 A and 10.7.
I In the circumstance where the positions for Delegate and/or Alternate Delegate remain unfilled, nominations for the remaining positions shall be opened to all members in good standing to complete the election of Regional Conference Delegates and Alternates.
Alternate Delegates shall be elected from among the unsuccessful candidates for Delegate in accordance with their vote in the Regional Conference Election. The Local shall maintain a minimum complement of ten (10) Alternate Delegates throughout the term of the Regional Conference.
K In order to maintain delegate status, members must have attended three (3) or more General Membership Meetings in the twelve (12) months preceding each subsequent September. Delegates who lose their status shall be replaced by the next eligible alternate.
L At the March General Meeting following an election the following Committees will be elected: Balloting, Health and Safety, Education, Organization, and Publications.
M at the September General Meeting following an election the following Committees will be elected: MSC Route Evaluation, Letter Carrier Walk Evaluation, Bylaws, Trustees and 19 9.6 Conflict Resolution, and delegates to the Vancouver and District Labour Council.
N Vacancies remaining after the March and September elections, under Articles 9.5 D and 9.5 E, shall be filled by elections at the next General Membership Meeting. Any positions which remain vacant may be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee, with the exception of the Trustee and Conflict Resolution Committees.
O Elections of delegates to the Convention of the BC Federation of Labour will take place when called by the Federation. Subject to ratification by the membership, and considering the Local’s financial resources, the Executive Committee will determine the number of Delegates to send to the Convention. However, this number shall never be less than one (1), nor more than the amount permitted according to the BC Federation of Labour’ s Constitution.
P Election of delegates to the Convention of the Canadian Labour Congress will take place when called by the Congress. Subject to ratification by the membership, and considering the Local’s financial resources, the Executive Committee will determine the number of delegates to send to the Convention. However, this number shall never be less than one (1), nor more than the amount permitted according to the Canadian Labour Congress’ s Constitution.
Q All candidates for elections specified in this Article must be members in good standing.
A. Election notices must be posted a minimum of ten (10) days prior to an election.
B All Voting for March Annual elected positions shall be by secret ballot and ballots shall be deposited in a sealed and labelled ballot box.
C Members shall be eligible to vote upon verification of eligibility. Those not on the list will receive a ballot upon producing proof of membership. Should the member not be able to substantiate membership, and said ballot be placed in an envelope with their name on it and sealed to be checked later by the Balloting Committee.
D For the purpose of voting in Annual elections, the Balloting committee may designate several voting locations with different voting times in order to ensure that all members are able to vote.
E 1 Advance Polls for all Full-Time paid officers and part time paid officers’ elections shall be held on one (l) day during the week.
2 The hours of the advance poll shall be set by the Balloting Committee, ensuring that all shifts have access to voting.
F Balloting shall be conducted by at least two (2) members in good standing of the Local. These members shall work under the direction of the Balloting Committee and shall have prior approval of the Balloting Committee Chairperson.
G Each candidate has the right to scrutinize the counting of the ballots or they may appoint a member in their place. If so, it must be in writing to the Chairperson of the Balloting Committee.
H. Candidates for Regional Conference shall be allowed one (1) minute to speak at a General Membership Meeting. Candidates for all other elected positions shall be allowed three (3) minutes to speak at a General Membership Meeting.
I. Candidates for positions of full-time paid officers, part time paid officers and, or table officers may submit material addressing their candidacy, to a special issue of the Postal Worker, to be published one (l) week before the advance poll.
J. 1 In all elections, except shop steward elections, a majority vote (50%+1) is required and candidates shall be declared elected subject to article 3.29 of the National Constitution, and shall then take office at the conclusion of the meeting at which they were elected.
2. When three (3) or more candidates run for a position on the Executive and the leading candidate receives less than one-half of the valid ballots, a run-off election shall be held with the lowest Candidate dropped off. If a runoff election is held then the incumbent shall remain in office. If not possible then the executive will place an appropriately experienced member in place, giving preference to previous experience.
K Ballots shall be destroyed only after authorization by the membership at a General Membership Meeting.
1 If a vacancy occurs a notice shall be posted immediately.
2 Nominations and acceptances in writing shall be received up to and including the day of election.
3 The notice of vacancy and call for nominations must be posted for a minimum of 20 days before an election can be held.
4 An election to cover the interim period of time until the next Annual Election shall take place at the next General Membership Meeting subject to 9.7 A (3) and shall be voted on by all members in attendance at the meeting.
5 An election to cover the remainder of the term of office shall take place as part of the next Annual Elections, if applicable.
1 If a vacancy occurs, it shall be filled at the next September General Membership Meeting.
9.8 In elections where there are an exact number of positions is needed to be filled, it is necessary for the number of votes cast on each ballot to equal exactly the number of positions to be filled, otherwise the ballot shall be deemed to be spoiled.
9.9 Candidates in elections for positions on the Executive Committee have the right to view and examine, at the Union office, the membership lists of those who voted. They will be observed by 2 members of the balloting committee. There shall be no reproductions, coping or distribution of any lists.
A In the application of Articles 9.1 D, 9.2 D, and 9.3 D, the following shall apply: The member shall be considered in attendance if they are absent due to authorized participation in a Union activity.
B If a meeting is cancelled due to lack of a quorum, such meetings shall still be considered as a meeting that members were eligible to attend, and any members who were in attendance shall be considered to have attended