What is a social steward?
A social steward is an active union member involved in providing support to other members who are experiencing difficulties. Helping someone involves listening to and referring members who seek help to union, community and professional resources.
The role of a Social Steward is to listen, refer, support and follow up.
Social stewards can play a crucial role in responding to the needs of the environment. It is a helping relationship between equals provided be members to fellow members. All information is kept confidential and proper help and guidance will be provided.
Social Stewards Acts as a safety net for workers.
Offers support throughout the recovery process.
Social Stewards are not counsellors. Social Stewards are not therapists or social workers. Instead, they are your co-workers who have received special training to assist you in a time of need. Social stewards are trained to refer individuals towards support services designed to assist you.
Unfortunately, Social Steward are not recognized in our Collective Agreement. Something we hope to change in the next round of bargaining.
Take care of yourself
- Remember what you have used in the past to get through a difficult time.
- Rely on your personal strengths.
- Be aware of your feelings, emotions and reactions, and give yourself permission to express them to someone you trust.
- Keep in touch with the people who comfort you and trust.
- If you are experiencing signs of stress, anxiety or depression, Social Stewardscan help you. These co-workers are there to listen to you and refer you to available resources you may need. The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that one in two people will suffer from Psychological distress and it is clearly the case.
If you do not know who your social steward is, ask the CUPW representatives on your Local Joint Health and Safety Committee (LJHSC), your shop steward or your local office. They will help you find a social steward.
Vancouver local have 3 Social Stewards working tirelessly to help our members at all locations.
List of social stewards in the local.
Anju Parmar Union Hall
Katie Poch Station F
Stefanie Neumann MSC PPC (on leave)
Please keep an eye on the bulletin boards at your work locations for any upcoming trainings on Social Steward Course. For more information please contact via email [email protected]
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President