When I see members picketing in all sorts of weather I am grateful. The fact that our picket lines have been places for karaoke singing, bhangra and other types of dancing, incredible food experiences, and dog shows makes me smile and sends a strong message to Canada Post that we are not giving up. We are telling Canada Post that we want a fair negotiated Collective Agreement and its not much to ask for.
The members along with local Sec Treasure who have spent hours and hours processing forms and ensuring to get strike pay are doing incredible work. They are working hard to get it done.
Our Picket Captains, Zone coordinators, local executives and other members who are working behind scenes with the nitty gritty of running a strike have my complete admiration.
All of our efforts are having positive results. Canada Post thought we would be weak and divided but we are not. Canada Post thought that we would not get public support but everywhere we are getting honks, food and coffee donations. and we are getting more and more support on our lines from our allies on the picket lines across. Last week BC Federation of Labour held a rally to support the Postal Workers and we also had NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh visited the picket lines at NFDC.
Our local is doing tremendous amount of work when it comes to engaging members. We did an amazing action at PPC for stopping MGMT and APOC going in to work while our members are getting layoffs. This action made a big impact in our region and it was not only empowering but sent a strong message to Canada Post that, we are 55,000 strong. We also occupied an office of Burnaby MP Terry Beach to relay the concerns around members on long term disability who are not able to use benefits they need on daily basis because Canada Post inhumanly cut their benefits.
So far, instead of listening and trying to resolve issues, Canada Post seems to be intent on trying to intimidate us. To date, Canada Post has:
- laid off: In our local about 47 have reported being laid off. It may not be even legal for Canada Post to lay people off in the middle of a strike.
- deny of extended health benefits. This has put some Postal Workers and their families in bad situations as they cannot afford to pay for needed medications and therapies.
- refuse to pay sick and injured people who are off on short term disability.
CUPW is working hard to achieve a fair and just Collective Agreement and to make sure that postal workers get all the support and solidarity they need.
Thanks for the support and Solidarity which shows Postal Workers are unstoppable. Keep up the great work and Fight the good fight!!!!
Stay United, Stay Informed
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President Vancouver Local 846