Postal Transformation

altCanada Post has embarked on an aggressive campaign to streamline its operations and cut jobs. They call it – “Postal Transformation”. It begs the question; what have they transformed? I think it is important to note, other than the automation of parcel and mail processing, the method in which the customer receives their product has remained unchanged. The employer’s agenda is clear, disregard health and safety, overburden the workers, and disrupt the Union’s ability to represent its members. In turn they maximize profits and pay out bonuses to management.

Vancouver Hub and PPC Restructure

The Corporation gave notice of restructure to the Union on July 3rd, 2014. Shortly thereafter, representatives from the Union Hall, alongside MSC’s from the PPC and the Hub, met with Transportation to discuss the impending restructure. The Union was informed that the restructure may be delayed to May of 2015. However, that never came to fruition. In light of the foregoing, the Union has now established that the Corporation rushed through yet another restructure with little to no communication with the Union and the Workers. The net result of this restructure was less than favorable.

The Parcel Hub Restructure

Over the years, the number of parcels delivered by MSC’s has increased exceptionally. As a result the Vancouver Parcel Hub will gain 8 Full-time and gain 0 Part-time positions. Common sense would dictate that this only logical. However, would it surprise you to know that this growth could potentially be much larger? In fact we believe it would. According to the language in the MSCWSS, the Corporation is required to conduct a rate sampling every five (5) years. What is concerning, is that this sampling was last conducted in 2006! If parcel volumes are up twenty two percent (22%) since 2009, then it would only seem logical to conduct a review. This sampling could result in a significant increase in parcel delivery values. On June 11th, 2014 the Union requested this process be undertaken prior to the commencement of any restructure. The Employer flat out refused. We have filed grievances on the matter. One worthy note, some of you may have experienced management canvasing employees with the notion of eight (8) hour parcel delivery. The Union strenuously objected to this notion stating: this will overburden drivers and give great concern for health and safety. At present, all full-time schedules have PM work to alleviate the burden of pure parcel delivery.

The PPC Restructure

There have been a lot of changes since the opening of the PPC in February 2014. The amalgamation of two facilities into one, has created confusion, frustration and disconnect. The closure of operations on Saturday and Sunday, the re-configuration of the 5-ton network due to Postal Transformation restructures, and the consolidation of the airport work, this has had an impact on the restructure results. The net result is the loss of 7 Full-Time and 14 Part Time Positions. The bulk of the losses in part-time are attributed to the weekend work being purged due to the plant closures. On September 22nd, 2014 the Union met with Transportation to discuss the results of the restructure. During this meeting the Union raised concerns with respect to the quality of the build. Following the consultation with Transportation, two (2) Observers were booked off to review the results. It is important to note that as a result of this review the Union was able to specifically identify the discrepancies and raise them with the employer prior to the start of the bidding. One of the main concerns was to do with health and safety. Transportation intended to have alternating start times for the graveyard shuttles and replace the majority of the day shift 5 tons with 4 AM starts. For most of you, this is a glaring health and safety concern and it was not overlooked. On October 1st, 2014 the employer agreed to bring back the observers at the request of the Union to repair the flaws. To date, there are no 4 AM starts or alternating start times.

Net Restructure Results


  • + 8 Full-time
  • No loss of Part-time


  • – 6 Full-time
  • -14 Part-time


  • -1 Full-time


  • No loss of Full-time
  • -14 Part-time

Vacancies and Staffing

Many of you may be wondering if you will be displaced or without a schedule as a result of this restructure. The reality is NO. As of the writing of this bulletin, there exists Forty Three (43) Vacancies on the transportation rosters. Twenty seven (27) Full-time and 16 Part-time. What this translates to is approximately twenty seven (27) schedules without an owner following the bid. This begs the question; how has this come to be? According to the language of the Collective Agreement, when more schedules/routes exist, than members in that unit, the corporation must go to the transfer/promotion list and offer in order of seniority. Why was this not done or allowed to happen? In doing so the Corporation has prejudiced our members by preventing them from being promoted to fulltime or given permanent status, providing job security, benefits and pension – all things this Union has fought hard for over decades to protect. The current transfer list projects about half of the fulltime vacancies would be available to part timers working in Vancouver as MSC’s today and the rest being offered to workers in Vancouver requesting a change in classification. There are only two (2) requests from outside Vancouver. If this were permitted, there could also be offers of permanent status to terms waiting on the part time transfer list. On October 7th the Union raised objections to this calamity and the employer has now agreed to fill the vacancies in the manner reflected in the Collective Agreement.


Due to the hasty approach of the Employer with this restructure, our members have been left very little time to review the schedules they are about to bid on. This is compounded further, as Transportation expects our members to take four days to complete the bidding. The Union demanded that the Corporation delay the implementation of this restructure to allow for all the irregularities to be corrected and to provide adequate time for our members to bid. Once again, they chose to ignore logic and reason and reused. This is just a small taste of the struggles the Union has experienced with the Corporation during this restructure. If you should experience any pushback or intimidation under threat of bypass while attempting to bid, please speak to a shop steward or call the Union hall immediately.

Deliver Tonight Project

CUPW National has negotiated with the employer to enter into a pilot project offering customers same day delivery. This endeavor is scheduled to commence on October 16th, 2104. Due to the expected demand of this project and through meaningful consultation with the Employer, the Union has been successful in creating two temporary part time 5 ton schedules and six (6) part time delivery schedules to align with this project. The pilot is set for three months with the ability to extend indefinitely. As MSC’s all part time and temporary members may bid on these assignments. This is just another leap forward in job creation for our members.

In Solidarity,

Chris Zukowsky
1st Vice-President