
General Membership Meeting

 October 24th, Thursday 7pm

   Italian Cultural Centre

   3075 Slocan Street, Vancouver

Agenda for the October GMM:

  1. Land Acknowledgment
  2. Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  3. Reading of Harassment Policy
  4. Reading of new members
  5. Financials
  6. Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  7. Business arising out of the minutes
  8. New Business (Motion at the back)
  9. Nominations and elections:
    1. Conflict Resolution Committee alternates (2) 
  • Executive Committee Motions
  • Unfinished business
  • Correspondence
  • Executive and Committee Reports
  • Good and Welfare
  • Adjournment 

***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

In Solidarity 


Anju Parmar, President

Motion 1

Motion to change CUPW Vancouver Local Bylaws and further regionals


A Shall be an elected Full-time Officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.

B Shall prepare, arrange, and oversee the hearing of all grievances at the first level.

G Shall maintain an up-to-date grievance filing system.

D Shall chair at least six (6) Grievance Committee Meetings per year to deal with matters relating to the

grievance procedure.

E Shall maintain a liaison between the Local and Regional Grievance Officer

F Shall Report to the Executive Committee.

WHEREAS: language state “an elected Full-Time Officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.”

WHEREAS: notice currently Grievance Officer of Local is very overwhelmed with huge numbers of

grievance being filed daily.

BE lT RESOLVED: language to change from ” A’ to ‘Persons up to 2 Grievance Officers’

Motion Submit by CUPW Member Brother Darrell Siebring