organization director by-election


Following the resignation of Brother Aaron Spires from his position as Organization Director/Tyler, this position is now open for election.

6.8 The Organization Director/Tyler:

6.8A Shall be an elected officer and voting member of the Executive Committee.
6.8B Shall maintain the membership attendance book for Executive Committee, General Membership and Special Meetings.
6.8C Shall maintain a monthly listing of members eligible to run for office in the Local, as set out in Article 9.
6.8D Shall check membership credentials at all General Membership and Special Meetings.
6.8E Shall maintain order at meetings as requested from the Chair.
6.8F Shall audit attendance at meetings to see that a quorum is maintained.
6.8G Shall chair the Organization Committee.
6.8H Shall receive sufficient training from the Secretary-Treasurer to act as the designated replacement for this Officer

9.3D Candidates must be a member in good standing and must have attended at least three General Membership Meetings in the twelve (12) months prior to and inclusive of the close of nominations. Subject to Article 9.10A.

Interim election procedures apply. Nominations in writing, with written acceptance, may be sent to the Union Hall prior to the September GMM. Nominations may also be made at the Sunday, September 26, 2010 GMM.

The election will be held:

Sunday, September 26, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
at the Holiday Inn (Howe & Helmcken)

The election will take place as part of the normal order of business during the September Membership Meeting as per Article 9.7A of the Local Bylaws.

** Note: You must be a member in good standing to vote.

In Solidarity,

Andy Henderson
