Annual Election Notice

Nominations Deadline: February 15, 2025 by 12:00 P.M.
 Nominations are now open for the following positions on the Local Executive Committee:

 Full-Time Officer

2nd Vice President
Grievance Officer

Table Officers

Education Director
Recording Secretary/By-Laws Chair

Executive Shop Stewards*

PPC/PIF Internal Shift 1
GLT (Groups 3 & 4)

Group 2 Transportation (1 Executive Steward)

Group 2 Letter Carrier (2 Executive Stewards)

The duties of these positions are described in the Vancouver Local By-laws, and are available at the Union Hall or at any General Membership Meeting.

Written and signed nominations with acceptances must be submitted to the Union Hall, Unit 109-4238 lozells Avenue, Burnaby, by 12:00 P.M. (noon) on Saturday, February 15th, 2025. You can also fax your nomination and acceptance at (604) 685-4931. No late nominations will be accepted. Candidates and their nominators must be members in good standing. In addition, candidates and the nominators must have attended at least three (3) General Membership Meetings in the previous twelve (12) months. Please send your nominations to Kevin Biggs local Sec Treasurer.

The exact dates for the election to be announced by the Balloting Committee. The schedule for the 2025 plant-gate election will be presented in a bulletin after nominations close.

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President

Nominations for Shop Stewards Are Now Open

The deadline for nominations to be returned to the Union Hall is 12:00pm February 28th, 2024.

Pursuant to Article 9.4(g) of the Vancouver Local By-Laws: To be elected as a Shop Steward a nominee must have completed a basic shop steward course, as well as be a Member in Good Standing. Nominators must also be Members in Good Standing.

Stewards who were elected in 2023 need to run for re-election, as their two (2) year term.

Stewards who were elected in the January 2024 Steward elections do not have to run in this election.

Any Stewards who were appointed by the Local Executive Committee since the last annual election must also run for election this March in order to maintain their position.

The Balloting Committee will issue a bulletin with the balloting schedule in the near future.

These may be mailed or dropped off: 109-4238 Lozells Ave, Burnaby BC, or faxed, to this office at 604-685-4931 if you choose. We do not accept nominations by email.

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President


General Membership Meeting

Saturday, January 25th at 10AM

Maritimes Labour Centre

1880 Triumph Street


Agenda for the January GMM:

  • Land Acknowledgment
  • Reading of Truth and Reconciliation: Calls to Action
  • Reading of Harassment Policy
  • Reading of new members
  • Financials
  • Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes
  • Business arising out of the minutes
  • New Business
  • Nominations and elections:
    1. Conflict Resolution Committee alternates (1)
    2. Regional delegate Alternates (3)
    3. Publications Committee (2) 
  • Executive Committee Motions
  • Unfinished business
  • Correspondence
  • Executive and Committee Reports
  • Good and Welfare
  • Adjournment

***ASL Interpreters have been confirmed for this meeting***

In Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President


Holiday Office Hours

  • Tuesday, Dec 24th (Christmas Eve) 8am-1pm
  • Wednesday, Dec 25th (Christmas Day) CLOSED
  • Thursday, Dec 26th (Boxing Day) CLOSED
  • Friday, Dec 27th OPEN Regular hours
  • Tuesday, Dec 31st (New Years Eve) 8am-1pm
  • Wednesday, Jan 1st (New Years Day) CLOSED
  • Thursday, Jan 2nd OPEN Regular hours
  • Friday, Jan 3rd OPEN Regular hours

We would like to thank everyone for all of your hard work this year and wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season!

In Solidarity,

The Vancouver Local Executive


Appreciation letter from retiree

I am a retired postal worker who wants to thank all of you for the courage, determination and solidarity you showed in the November and December 2024 strike.

The first strike I participated in was in 1975 and the last strike I participated in was 2011.   During this period, me and my coworkers were ordered back to work in 1978, 1987, 1991,1997, and 2011.   CUPW was also ordered back to work in 2018 and 2024.

Initially the back to work rulings depressed and demoralized me.  All I was doing was striking to improve my working conditions and to better the postal service and the government of Canada responded by attacking my basic rights to free collective bargaining and the right to strike.

But, I realized that being demoralized was just what Canada Post and the government wanted.   They wanted to stop all of us from our proper and just fights to have safe work, decent staffing, fair wages, and a postal service that meets people’s needs.   So, even though it was hard and at times frustrating and maddening I kept on fighting.

As a retired postal worker, I also need to thank all of you for striking to stop the erosion of the gains me and my coworkers made through strikes, and other struggles.   This is so important and it is also heartwarming and wonderful.

As someone who is dependent on her Canada Post Defined Benefit Pension to live, I also want to thank and congratulate you for saying no to Canada Post’s pension rollbacks.   You not only protected my pension, you safeguarded your own pensions, and the pensions of future workers.   I am immensely grateful for this.

When I went to your picket lines or read about picket activity on social media I was so impressed.   You took care of each other, you had fun, you were determined, and you continually sent Canada Post a strong message that you wanted fairness and justice.

So please accept my thanks and admiration and remember that “The Struggle Continues”

In Solidarity,

Marion Pollack


Message from your local President

  Heartfelt thank you for standing strong

The winter holiday season is upon us and this year like many of you I am not in the festive spirit either.   I am angry, disappointed and upset with both Canada Post and the Federal Government.

For more than a year, Canada Post has failed to negotiate with CUPW in good faith.   They have demanded rollbacks and made excuses, but have failed to put forward proposals that address real workplace issues.

The Federal Government has made statements about the right to free Collective bargaining and the right to strike, but they have invoked section 107 of the Canada Labour Code to force us back to work.

CUPW members know that back to work orders are not going to increase our morale at work.  Back to work orders do not improve labour relations.   Back to work orders do not force Canada Post to adopt a reasonable approach in bargaining.

I know that the time since November 15 when we went on strike has affected so many of you.

During this period, I tried to go to every picket line and I have seen amazing solidarity, mutual support and friendship.   The range of food on the picket lines and the many different ways your shared meals with each other has been amazing.   The spirit on the lines has given me the reasons to stay strong. Your strength on the picket lines has sent a strong message to Canada Post.   I loved the dancing, the diversity signs, the costumes, and the dogs.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your solidarity and generosity. It kept me going and I know it kept so many other people strong.  I want you all to know that I am proud of the members of the Vancouver local. Your attendance on the picket lines made a huge difference.

I know that some of you feel defeated.   But, we have not lost.   We still have tremendous support from the public and other Unions.   We stopped Canada Post from forcing their rollbacks on us.  We continued to push for our rights and justice, in the face of Canada Post’s efforts to discourage us.

Each time we were forced back to work we stayed strong.   I urge you all to keep the Solidarity momentum going. Keep on planning the day of actions at your work place.

Once again, I would like to thank the Executives, Picket Captains, Zone coordinators and the volunteers for putting in long hours every day to make things easier for all of us.

I know and I can assure you all that we will be strong, and powerful in 2025.

Season’s greetings and Solidarity,

Anju Parmar, President

Message from Secretary Treasurer

Dear Members,

I would personally like to thank each and every one of you who made it out to the picket lines to support our Members who have struggled through the past 4 and a half weeks, showing our strength against the employer in our fight for a fair contract at the bargaining table. Unfortunately, we did not achieve our goals at the bargaining table, and the CIRB has ordered us back to work until such time as a Collective Agreement can be properly negotiated, with negotiations needing to be completed by May.

The office is working diligently to address the issues with the Discrepancy Forms, and this process has taken longer than we anticipated. Working within the parameters of Daily Strike Pay has also proven to be a challenge. That said, I would like to provide an update to the Membership.

On Tuesday, December 17th, the CIRB ordered us back to work. As a part-time Officer, and with other Members volunteering in the office, this created some challenges. Article 26.06(b) requires 5 days’ notice to the employer to be booked off on Union Business, which slowed down our progress. There was uncertainty about whether the book-offs would be honored, meaning we would have to wait 5 days before being officially booked off to resume the necessary work. I was able to get my book-off done to keep things moving, but other Members had to wait an extra day before they were booked off.

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