Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics by Lush Ltd

Dear Postal Workers,

For all of your work during this time of uncertainty, a huge thank you from all of us at Lush.

Please enjoy one of our bath bombs for a few moments of self-care. Fill your bathtub with warm water, then drop the bath bomb in and enjoy the show!


*Lush bath bombs are currently being distributed to all wok locations and should be available to CUPW members shortly.

Thank you Lush for the generous gifts, your words of gratitude are encouraging.

*ALERT* Website Change

Due to the amount of information we are receiving regarding the ongoing COVID-19 crisis we have created a dedicated area on the front page titled “COVID- 19 Info”.

For mobile devices; it is located below the current front page posts.

For desktop users; it will be located to the right ledger of  your screen.

New information  regarding Covid – 19 will be posted on the front page and then will be archived to the COVID – 19 info area. All information will located there for your convenience.

**Please note; in order to facilitate the above, we have temporarily removed the “Negotiations” information area. All negotiations related bulletins can still be found in the “Archived Bulletins” tab.

Thank you for your understanding.

Media Release: Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) Vancouver Local


As we continue to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) Vancouver Local would like to recognize the postal workers who continue to work tirelessly to ensure Canadians continue to receive their mail and packages during this unprecedented time.  The Public Post Office is an essential service for Canadians, especially now for those under quarantine, have self-isolated, and are practicing social distancing.

During this extraordinary time, we ask that you please practice social distancing from postal workers while they provide this essential service. We also ask that if you are able, please regularly clean your mail receptacles, elevators, and entrance ways including door handles at entry points.

While many Canadians remain at home we understand that access to food, medical prescriptions, and supplies is a concern –Postal Workers can help.  Our members are committed to working safely, and ensuring that Canadians continue to be supported by their Public Post Office.


Chris Zukowsky


CUPW Vancouver Local 846


Due to the ongoing safety concerns surrounding COVID-19 the Maritime Labour Centre will be closed to all “drop in ” visitors. Should you wish to make an appointment please contact us at: 604-685-6581.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


November 22, 2019                                                                                            Bulletin # 092



Many members felt anger and frustration at the news that the arbitrator responsible for determining our collective agreements, and our future, had requested an extension of the arbitration process until next June.

Was there an agreement to extend? 

It is important to specify that there was no agreement to extend the process. The arbitrator is mandated under the law to hear the parties’ evidence and determine our future working conditions in terms of the outstanding issues. Since the employer has not completed its evidence (and probably will not be finished before the end of the year), and since the Union intends to submit reply evidence, the arbitrator had no other choice but to request an extension of her mandate to be able to fulfill her obligations under the law.

Getting it Right 

We did not choose this process. It was forced upon us. That being said, we have to ensure we get it right. The issues before the arbitrator are of critical importance. They deal with health and safety, precarious employment, the right to full-time work when possible, job security, fair and equal treatment, and reparation for the damages suffered in 2012 under the Conservatives’ back-to-work legislation, which was heavily biased in the employer’s favour.

In this context, we have to ensure we proceed based on the rules that govern this type of arbitration, to ensure the arbitrator has the evidence needed to render a decision, which, we hope, will address the situations we have experienced for far too long. This means having the right to present our evidence, cross-examine the employer’s witnesses, and present rebuttal evidence to rectify the alleged facts presented by these witnesses that we deem incorrect.

Past Experiences 

The last time we underwent this type of arbitration was in 1997. (Under the 2011 back-to-work legislation, we did not actually proceed with the interest arbitration.)

The 1997 arbitration lasted nearly two years and ended with a negotiated settlement in December 1999 prior to a decision being rendered by the appointed arbitrator. This type of arbitration is a complicated and arduous process, which requires a lot of research and preparation. Nothing can be left to chance.

Make your voice heard! 

How can we explain that Canada Post upper management allows its representatives to oppose almost all of our demands? How can we explain that, once again, this Holiday Season, nothing will be done to protect our health and safety, to improve work-life balance, and to ensure that thousands of workers get paid for all hours worked? How can we explain that, despite its lofty rhetoric that you matter, Canada Post allows for problems to persist for years?

There is no explanation! 

You are exhausted. You barely see your family and friends. You want a decent job instead of precarious work. You want to continue working without risk of injury, so that one day, you can be healthy enough to enjoy a long and well-deserved retirement. 

Send Canada Post a strong message! 

You deserve respect and dignity, not just lofty rhetoric. 

Our true strength is our solidarity!

In Solidarity,

Nancy Beauchamp

Chief Negotiator



Sylvain Lapointe

On Behalf of the Negotiating Committee

Urban Unit

2019-2023 / Bulletin #057



November 18, 2019                                                                                         Bulletin # 091


We have now completed 35 days of hearings. There are 4 dates scheduled for December; 3rd, 6th, 19th and 20th. Canada Post has used 15 hearing dates so far. When the Arbitrator asked about how much longer they need to complete their case, the answer from their counsel was vague. He never really answered the question but stated they think they have 3 or 4 more witnesses to go.

continue reading here