A Tip of the Hat! Canada Post Manager Shuns Workers for Job Well Done

Every year, the holiday season slowly approaches and it seems like Canada Post always finds a way to get caught with their pants down. Another record delivery year passes, workers are worked to the bone and management sings their own praises – all the while wondering, how did we get through all of this? Well the answers is simple and right in front of you……..THE WORKERS!

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BY-ELECTION Chief Shop Steward-Group 1 Chief Shop Steward-Group 2

Following the acclamation of Erin Collins as Grievance Officer, there is a vacancy in the Chief Shop Steward–Outside Function. As well, there were no nominations for the position of Chief Shop Steward– PPC Internal # 1 shift/Wickets/Group 1 C&D. This position will also be up for election at the next GMM.

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UPDATE – March 25, 2014: PubCom, PPC problems, Rest pod problems, LC and MSC staffing problems and more…

UPDATE – March 25, 2014: PubCom, PPC problems, Rest pod problems, LC and MSC staffing problems and more…

Publication Committee

One of my duties as the Education Director is to be the spokesperson for the Publication Committee on the Executive Committee. The Publication Committee is charged with producing two specific publications.

Continue reading “UPDATE – March 25, 2014: PubCom, PPC problems, Rest pod problems, LC and MSC staffing problems and more…”