1970 – Rotating Strikes

1970 – Rotating strikes won overtime pay after 8 hours for Letter Carriers, shift premiums, increased vacation and the guarantee of job security for all full-time workers.

1968 – a three week strike

1968 – A three week strike provided for better wages and the introduction of “consulting” with the Union on issues.  A grievance procedure was put in place which allowed Workers to deal with workplace issues.

Results of the 2009 Plant Gate Election

Results of the 2009 Plant Gate Election

Recording Secretary/By-Laws Chair

Warren Johnson 238
Sharon MacKenzie 353
Mike Palecek 630 *

In addition, the following members have been elected as Shop Stewards for a 2 (two) year term:

Janet Askin
Ben Besler
Chris Callaghan
Alyssia Dryer
Jeff Petersen

Stn. F
Wayne Aller
Andy Henderson

Stn. K
Lee Bain
Gary Jones
Mike Palecek

Depot 74
Gary Drees
Reinhold Dundas
Elizabeth Holmes
Geoff Keong
Shane O’Neill
Jennifer Savage
Ivan Westerlund

VMPP # 1
Anna Carchesio
Chris Jones
Perry Kumar

VMPP # 2
Saria Andrew
Ken Doyle
Aly Ghotaymi
Josh McGowan
Gina Tessaro

VMPP # 3
Justln Lim
Pat Lucas
Edgar Millan

Micki McCune

Warren Johnson

Pat Bertrand
Bruce Moore


VPDC # 1
Scott Dowling
Anthony Prentis

VPDC # 2
Kulvir Bains
Mandeep Biran
Maureen Chen
Surjit Dilgir
Yung Hsi
Sharon MacKenzie
Mona Pathak
Tony Phunal
Chris Snow
Peter Tran
Ian Wynne

VPDC # 3
Leo BaIazs
Peter Derksen
Gargi Dutta
Dalwinder Gill
Evan Gill
Karamjit Heer
John Oliverio
Lance Russell
Beata Sosnowski
Jagdeep Thandi
Jvoti Virk

Thank you for your support and particiapation in our local election.

In Solidarity,

Laurie Keddie


Link to Udate! 11/05/08

Update! November 5, 2008


Exercising Your Right To Refuse.

Citywide Overtime Group 2 – Sign Up!

You Are Deleted!

Manulife Quandery?

Parcel Belt Rotation.

Read it HERE!


Grievance News: The Verdict is In


VMPP Parcel Hub Extended Hours Grievance Resolved $13,000.00

Emergency Suspension Issued To PO4 for Invoking His Right to Refuse

South Burnaby Overtime Bypass Resolved

Business Edge A Little Over the Edge

Special Leave Grievance Settled

One Day Suspension for Being Eight Minutes Late

Read it HERE

The Executive

The Vancouver Local 846

Executive Committee

President Jennifer Savage
1st Vice-President Chris Zukowsky
2nd Vice-President Steve Carter
Secretary-Treasurer Heather Andrews
Grievance Officer Erin Collins
Education Director Stefanie Neumann
Health & Safety Director Nick Aubichon
Organization Director/Tyler Michael Seney
Recording Secretary/By-laws Chair Maria Arico-Pucovsky
Chief Steward PPC #1 Perry Kumar
Chief Steward PPC #2 Anju Parmar
Chief Steward PPC #3 Karamjit Heer
Chief Steward L/C
LCD1 Denish Bahadur
Chief Steward L/C
Audrey Grant
Chief Steward EXT
MSC Doug Eberhardt
Chief Steward GLT/Gl.Dr.
Deo Raj

November External Shop Steward Meeting

Wednesday November 19, 2008
4:00 P.M.
The Vacouver Local
1079 Richards Street
All external Shop stewards are welcome to attend.  We will be discussing the following:
  • Strategic Review – our campaign
  • Route updates – the process, the problems
  • Time worked is time paid – “denial” of OT
  • Bar charts – monthly review
  • General Discussion
If the meeting is during your shift please contact the Union hall by no later than November 10, 2008 so that we may arrange a book-off.
Parking will be reimbursed at $2/hour.
We look forward to seeing you there.
In Solidarity,
Kim Evans
1st Vice President