Parcels and Admail

Monday September 12 2016

The draft versions of both agreements will go to the printer shortly and in the meantime we will continue to issue bulletins on the various changes to the two collective agreements. Today’s bulletin will provide details on the changes to parcel delivery and unaddressed admail for Urban letter carriers.

Parcel Delivery Model

A big focus during this round was the expansion of services and both parties brought forward proposals on expanding parcel delivery in the evenings, mornings and on weekends. We were successful in negotiating a parcel delivery model that will allow CPC to pursue new markets that will create new jobs for our members. The model is designed for new products and services and expands on the Deliver Tonight Pilots that were run in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. In the early stages of this model much of the work may be done by temporary employees but if the new products and services are successful and grow, there is a mechanism that will create permanent jobs for our members.

Unaddressed Admail

Unaddressed Admail (or Neighbourhood Mail as CPC has now rebranded it) continues to be a challenge for us. We negotiated new dimensions and weights for this product that will come into effect on January 15, 2018 (please see the chart on the back of this bulletin) which is two weeks before the collective agreement would expire. We negotiated the conversion of some of the per piece payments for this product into a time allowance for the preparation of flyers. There are advantages to having a time allowance over per piece payments (we did have a demand to get time values for unaddressed admail), including: less outside time on your routes, the ability to prepare your unaddressed admail at the end of your day while being paid your hourly rate including overtime if you followed the OT process. Adding time to routes will create jobs or reduce the loss of positions during restructures. If CPC is successful in expanding this market, we will see the time allowances increase and there is also improved health and safety language. This product continues to provide steady revenue for CPC and there is potential for growth in this market.

Appendix “D-2” Effective January 15, 2018


Point of Call










Delivery Days

Payable to Letter Carriers

Residential and business up to 200 g

30.50 cm


15.24 cm


1.91 cm


200 g


1.5 cents

30.50 cm


Over 15.24 cm up to

28 cm

(Over 6” up to 11” )

1.91 cm


200 g


Residential and business over 200 g up to 300 g

30.50 cm


28 cm


2.54 cm


300 g



Residential and business over 300 g up to 500 g

30.50 cm


28 cm


2.54 cm


500 g


7.0 cents

A letter carrier can deliver an item over 200 grams up to 300 grams over a three (3) day period if all points of call would already be covered over that period.

Irregular shapes allowed within size specifications.


  • Ÿ Area: 70 square cm (10.85 square inches)
  • Ÿ Thickness: 0.18 mm (0.007”)

Sylvain Lapointe
Chief Negotiator, Urban Unit
George Floresco
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Unit