This course aims to provide new Stewards with basic training, knowledge and confidence. Topics include the different roles of the Steward, how to investigate and file a grievance, communication skills, Shop Steward rights, the Steward as Organizer/Mobilizer, and key provisions of the Urban Operations and RSMC Collective Agreements.
Note: This course is for new Stewards.
This course is about recognizing mental health issues in the workplace, assisting co-workers suffering from mental illness, and strategies for psychological health and safety. Participants explore the stigma towards people living with mental illness. They review the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, and the indicators of psychological health and safety in the workplace. They look at different support and accommodation measures, and explore strategies to facilitate psychological health and safety at work. Note: This course is particularly suited to members who want to assist, support and advocate for co-workers suffering from mental illness. It may be of interest to Social Stewards. |
This course explains the fundamentals of the Letter Carrier Route Measurement System (LCRMS), with a focus on the factors used to update routes. Participants examine the different time values that determine a route and review how they are calculated. They look at restructures, volume counts, and the parts of the collective agreement that relate to LCRMS. Most important, they learn how to verify time values to ensure they reflect the letter carrier’s work, and what to do if there are discrepancies. Note: This course is for members, stewards and local executive members who want to learn about letter carrier routes and the basics of the Letter Carrier Route Measurement System (LCRMS).
This course trains members to be Social Stewards. Social Stewards are resource people who assist co-workers experiencing personal problems. They listen to members, help them identify their concerns and find solutions, and refer them to appropriate resources. As set out in D-32 of the CUPW constitution, Social Stewards are part of a network the union is building across the country. This course familiarizes participants with a Social Steward’s role and responsibilities. They explore ways to approach workplace problems, learn how to support members and how to gather and share information on the resources available to members. Note: Members who have already taken the Solidarity Skills Level 1 and/or 2 are encouraged to apply for this course, which has a special application form (attached). |
To be considered all applications must be signed and submitted by the Local President or their designate.
The deadline for registration is 12 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, 2023. Please ensure your applications are in by that date, any application received after the deadline will not be considered.
In Solidarity,
Anju Parmar, President lb/CUPE-3338