Run-off Election – Secretary-Treasurer – 2016

Run-off Election for the Position of Secretary-Treasurer

Full-Time Officer

Heather Andrews

Dan Perley

At the 2016 Plant Gate Election we had three (3) members put their name forward for the position of Secretary-Treasurer.

9.6 J (2) of the Vancouver Local By-laws states:

When three (3) or more candidates run for a position on the Executive and the leading candidate receives less than one-half of the valid ballots, a run-off election shall be held between the 2 leading candidates.

3.29 CUPW National Constitution states:

If there are more than two contestants for an office and no candidate has received a majority of those voting, the candidate with the least votes shall be eliminated and another vote held to ascertain whether a majority of those voting favour one of the remaining candidates, and so on until a majority of those voting have cast ballots in favour of one of the candidates.

We would like to thank Brother Vim Vimalendiran for stepping up to run. He will be removed from the ballot and an election will be held between Sister Heather Andrews and Brother Dan Perley.

The election will be held from February 21-26, 2016. A schedule of dates and times will follow.

In Solidarity,

Jennifer Savage

