Vancouver Local Education News: VDLC Courses 2014

The Vancouver District Labour Council offers many one (1) day courses that members of the Vancouver Local can apply for. The Vancouver Local Education committee has a limited budget for the below education seminars, so members interested in applying will need to contact the Education Director with the following information:

Eligibility: Any member can apply. You must be willing to share the information you have learned with others and to the Local. Please include your contact information for the Education Director in order for him to contact you to discuss how you see the course will be useful to yourself and to the Vancouver Local. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line “VDLC Courses” or via text to (604) 329-0881 prior to registering.

Reimbursement: You will need to pay up front and the Vancouver Local will reimburse you for the cost. You MUST attend the course to qualify for reimbursement. If you register and fail to attend, you will not be reimbursed for the cost of the course.

Registration: To register, you must contact Keziah at the Vancouver District Labour Council directly:

[email protected], phone (604) 254-0703, or mail 020-1880 Triumph St., Vancouver, B.C. V5L 1K3.

Please note: The Vancouver Local will not pay for lost wages or pay any other costs that will be incurred with the participation of the course. We will only pay for the cost of registration.

2014 Labour Education

Anita Yan Memorial Law Series


In Solidarity,

for Pat Bertrand

Education Director
